Katy and I went to Bury St-Edmunds yesterday to have the car serviced and MOT’ed. It cost us roughly double what we were quoted, but what can you do. At least we now have a new set of front brakes and a new pollen filter for the AC and the hand brake actually feels connected to something.
While the car was being worked on, we went walkies in the city center. Bury has a nice outdoor market that I could very easily see myself use and abuse if we lived there. We also bought yet more stuff for the nursery, though it was mostly decorations and cuddly toys this time. We’re horrible ;) We bought a bunch of short sleeved & long sleeved jumpsuits, a bath mitten (that Katy has waaay too much fun with in the store), a plush rabbit that just jumped in our hands and we couldn’t put back on the shelf (honest!)
We had lunch at Brasserie Chez Gerard and then picked up the car and drove back home. We had sloppy joe submarines for dinner and then spent the evening clearing out unused stuff from out kitchen and reorganizing everything. The house is starting to get to a point where it’s almost junk free (we’re giving away a ton of schmutz to charity shops). All we need to do now is to build the last bits of furniture and then we can start putting the final touches on the nursery :)