Katy was discharged from the hospital Thursday evening and we spent Friday doing mostly fuck all, though I did manage to get some house work done. The docs are happy that her blood pressure meds seem to be working adequately, though we had to go to Addenbrookes again this morning before heading to Leicester. Her blood pressure is happily stable. She’s going to need to have it checked weekly for now, though the midwifes have warned her that they will most probably need to fiddle with the dosages in the future because her blood pressure is most likely going to increase again, which will mean she’ll need to be re-admitted for more observation when that happens.
On the diet-side, we’re still figuring out what we can and can’t eat. Shreddies and salads good, jacket potatoes ok, bread bad. Anything with too much flour – even whole wheat – will increase her blood glucose to annoyingly elevated levels. Our diet is good. We’re eating all the things we should be. We’ll wait and see what the diabetes nurses have to say.