Katy was readmitted to Addenbrookes today.
Her blood pressure had started creeping back up when she had her ante-natal clinic appointment on Tuesday, so they told her to increase her meds from 3 times a day to 4 times a day. They also took some blood samples to run a few tests. She was to come back today for the results. They were less than pleasing. It would appear that her liver function is being impaired. This can be one of three things.
The best case scenario is that this is simply the appearance of a known potential side-effect of her blood pressure meds. They have switched her onto new meds to see if this makes the problem go away. The medium case scenario is that this is a known potential complication of pregnancy and they’re doing some more specific blood tests to check on this. This can be treated fairly easily and is not a problem. We should have the results in about a week. The worst-case scenario is that the liver problems are a symptom of pre-eclampsia. That would be very bad. That would mean that they’d monitor her on a daily basis and at the first sign of distress to her or Ben, she’d be induced or have a c-section. Her due date is at the end of November and it seems highly unlikely that she’ll make it full term.
We’re mostly keeping a positive attitude about the whole thing, or at least we’re trying to. Nothing bad has happened yet and people are working very hard to keep it that way. Still, it’s not the easiest thing to do to keep from fretting. I don’t know what I’d do without Katy. I know it sounds a bit dramatic saying that, but … I’ll admit being scared about the whole thing and not be able to do a damn thing about it. Sometimes, tea just can’t fix it.
The one thing that does comfort me is that she’s exactly where she needs to be to get the best care possible. Addenbrookes is a very good hospital and she’s in the system. She’s being monitored very closely and they seem on top of things to catch things early enough to be able to deal with them gently rather than at a stage where aggressive treatments would be required. That does help a lot in easing the anxiety.
And there is still tea. And kittens. Those help too.