Things continue much in the same vein as they have been for the past week. Katy is still in Addenbrookes and is slowly going mad from boredom and having her BP checked every two hours (at minimum). The docs are still playing around with her meds. They might have finally found the right formula because her BP seems to be cooperating for now. They’ve put her on a different class of beta-blockers, and so far she’s not turned into a human hot water bottle. They do make her very sleepy but that’s miles better than the side effects of the other meds she was on. It was a nice catch-22.
When she was using those, her BP was high but all she felt was a slight headache that could be easily treated with tylenol. When they gave her a higher dose of meds, her BP went back to a level that didn’t concern the docs but gave Katy a splitting headache that nothing could even put a dent in and when her headache started going away, her BP started rising again. So yeah, tons of fun.
I spent most of the afternoon with her yesterday and she was not a happy camper. She’s gotten 3 hours of sleep, at most, the night before and had been carted to and from the delivery ward (where they could monitor her even more closely). It really didn’t help that the obstetrics clinic was running close to one-and-a-half hour late in appointments as well. Anyway, in end end, we managed to have a good chat with the consultant on her case. They’re going to keep her under observation for a while longer yet, but I have a feeling that things will be happening some time next week – unless Ben decides to take matters in his own hands, of course.
Speaking of, he’s doing fine. The latest growth scans put him at around 6 pounds 10 oz, or a bit over 3 kg. His growth profile is spot on average and all the other readings are perfectly fine as well.
In any case, watch this space. More news when we know what’s happening.