Lots of important things are in the works, but it seems that we’re in a hurry-up-and-wait phase for all of them.
We’re still waiting for confirmation that the mortgage under-writers will lend us the money but, seeing that nobody can deal with 6 inches of snow, there is no staff at their head office so our application in festering in somebody’s in tray. We should, fingers crossed, have news tomorrow or Wednesday. We don’t want to let loose the solicitors until we know for certain that we’ll get the money – it’s not worth throwing money out the window if we can’t get the loan.
I’m in the process of filling out my Application for naturalisation as a British citizen forms, but I need to get two references to say that I’m who I say I am and not some crazed lunatic. One of them is away today and I’ll need to get my GP for the other – which will cost me 30 pounds and take two weeks (if he doesn’t lose the forms this time). I also need to study the most mind-numbingly boring facts about the UK so I can take the Life in the UK test, but I can’t do that until Friday next week.
So, we wait.
But I’m tearing out what little hair I have left and all my nails are a bloody mess.