Just as his appetite was starting to get better, BenBen’s taken a turn for the worse. He’s been cough-y for a few days now. We’re not sure if it’s just a cold, seasonal allergies, teething or a fun mixture of a bit of everything at once, but he’s been running a fever, has a touch of the runs and is waking himself up at night coughing again. And, of course, he’s being a git to feed and is generally a grumpy boy. Yesterday, he skipped the equivalent of two full feeds. He woke himself up at 4am this morning but managed to get back to sleep around 5am. We know we’re blessed with a good sleeper, so that’s making things bearable. He’s having a nap as I’m writing this. He woke up a while ago in a coughing fit but is either back asleep or chilling in his cotbed. Either way, I’m leaving him alone.
In happier news, we should be getting the house keys today :)