So, a quick bullet point recap:
- we bought a house
- we painted it top to bottom
- we re-wired large chunks of it
- we installed a shower that still doesn’t work
- we moved
- In a stunning display of cleverness, I managed to lock the shed keys in the shed, requiring a visit from our friendly neighbourhood locksmith
- we re-painted the whole upstairs floor of our old house
- I went to Scotland for a business trip
- we are all completely exhausted and I think I gave myself a bad case of carpal in the process
Notable events during this time:
- the mouse, that damned mouse, stowed away and is now living somewhere behind our cupboards. Our cats are useless.
- said cats are driving us nuts by destroying the house and running rampant all night
- the boy is on solids and is discovering the joys of carrots and sweet potato
- I managed to go to Scotland and not eat a single deep-fried, battered food item
- the Scottish tried to kill me many times with food, but I have to give mad props to a Spanish tapas bar that catered with much success to my multiple allergies.
- we bought a new bed and a new mattress. This is a source of joy, and debt.
- we should have internet access at home shortly
More on all these when I can spare the time. In the meantime, know that I am still alive and tired as sin.