My staff association meeting this morning had moments where it was less than productive. In these moments, Victor was born.

Admit it, he kicks ass.
The beaver is a proud and noble animal
Notes from a bemused canuck
My staff association meeting this morning had moments where it was less than productive. In these moments, Victor was born.
Admit it, he kicks ass.
We had a BBQ this weekend – one last shindig before Lennart and Leen leave for Belgium. Joe and Matthieu weren’t able to make it, but Juan Antonio, Florian & Anna and Phil and the kiddies were able to come (jeez, his kids have grown!). As usual in these matters, I made waaaay too much food. I had three packs of sausages, burgers and I’d marinated some homemade tandoori chicken. That was accompanied by corn on the cob, a cheese plate and crudites. Katy went mad in her own inimitable way with the puddings.
It all went down smashingly. I’m really happy with how the chicken turned out, and I do have to say that a small-ish BBQ (by North American standards) filled with 18 sausages, 8 burgers and 10 chicken breasts was an impressive sight to behold. Smelled bloody good too :) I think I’m finally hitting the bottom of my gas cylinder. Not bad considering that I’ve had it for 4 years now… The weather gods were clement and we had nice breaks of sunshine and the wind kept it to just a nice temperature. It got a bit chilly near the end but people were stuffed with enough calories so that it didn’t matter. Juanan kept mentioning how unfair it was that he’s the one with the reputation as a big eater when compared to the bottomless pit that is Flo’s gullet :) Lennart says that it’s because Florian has a better PR machine :D
Pictures are online here:
I’ve come to the conclusion that BenBen finds us boring. He’s been uber-grumpy in the last week or so. I took him into Saffron Walden on Saturday while Katy was having a jaunt with Donna and I didn’t hear a peep from him while I was at Waitrose, or the butchers or the market. And, of course, he was flirting with all the preeeety laaadiiiies he could charm (he’s going to be a heart-breaker, that one). As soon as I got him home though, where it was just me, he was less than thrilled. Same thing for the BBQ. He loves being passed around and was all giggles and charm. When people left, grumpy baby. QED, we’re boring. Katy says that it’s impressive just how much he doesn’t mind being passed around, even when we’re not in sight. I was in the kitchen getting food ready and Katy was in the dining room setting things up and the beastie was quite happy with Leen or Anna. It’s what he’s been used to, I guess. He’s been going to nursery since he was 3 months, so for him, it’s just another preeeeety laaaady to charm :)
Once the beastie was asleep for the night, Beckie came over to keep an eye on him and we went to see Moon. It’s a good movie, if slightly creepy in the beginning. I don’t think I’d buy it, but I was happy to see it and I’d recommend it for a good sci-fi movie with an old-school feel to it.
Every day on my way to the bus stop, I come across a pensioner walking his scruffy little rat terrier. He always says hello and always seems happy. There is a lesson to be learned from this somehow.
Fire officials regarding wildfires: “GTFO.” Residents: “STFU.” Fire: “NOM NOM NOM.” Residents: “OMG.” Fire department: “DIAF”
Source: FARK.