The beastie was feeling a lot better yesterday (he’d been running a bit of a fever for the past few days) so we were able to go out and about for a while.
We went to Scottsdales to start buying some Christmas decorations. Yes, I know it’s still early, but we’ve made a deal to not put anything up until Guy Fawkes has passed, and the tree can’t go up until December. Besides, it’s fun and the beastie seems to really enjoy garden centre Christmas displays.
Which brings us to this.

Who the hell thought disembodied, shrunken Santa heads would make for good tree ornaments? I mean, wtf?!?? Just look at the eyes of the one in the first picture. Doesn’t it just say “please, kill me! I beseech you, let this torment end?”
Then, there was this.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Meerkats. I think that Aleksandr Orlov and Compare the Meerkats is one of the best publicity campaigns I’ve seen in a very long time. But what the hell do Meerkats have to do with Christmas???
But there is a happy ending.

The beastie, he is getting very excited about Christmas.