I’ve been accumulating bits of paper with random quotes in my wallet for the past few weeks, in the hopes that I’d finally take the time to post everything. So here goes:
Katy: I always feel better after my bi-annual mental breakdown.
Me: Yell if you need aught.
Katy: God, you sound like me but with a Canadian accent. It’s so bizare!
Katy: At my funeral, make sure that everybody has lots of cake
(while we got lost, walking in a cemetery, in Leics)
Official diagnostic for the Beastie, as given by our local GP, when he was feeling under the weather a few weeks ago: Iwantadaywithmommyitis.
Katy: *laughs maniacally*
Mel: Do you have feathers down your drawers?
Me: Do I need to topiary the aviary?
Katy: You know what they say about a bird in the hand
Me: It’s worth two in the bush?
Katy: *laughs maniacally*
I agree, gentle reader, for a few of those, you had to be there :)