The beaver is a proud and noble animal
Notes from a bemused canuck
We had our first big bbq of the season last Saturday. It was a glorious day and – having done most of my prep the previous afternoon following great advice from Katy – I was able to get everything setup at an orderly pace. We had just under a dozen people over – mostly my work colleagues but also Sara and Nick, from down the road. People seemed to have a good time and there was enough food to choke a small horse, so it was all good.
The beastie gave me conniptions when he was running around the BBQ, but there were enough pairs of hands to keep him at bay.
On Sunday, we went to ikea to buy a child-size poang and to costco to stock up on bulk items. We were quite proud of the beastie because he fed himself most of a sandwich (roast beef and horseradish, if you would believe!).
He got a bit tired of Ikea but had a blast at costco. Sadly the Ikea trip was a bust. The baby poangs are out of stock for the next 4-5 months or so. Apparently, Ikea are having supply issues with them. Bummer.
We went home, chilled a bit, had more stuff on the BBQ and called it a day. I could live with weekends like this. The only downside is that neither Katy nor I really slept very well. Don’t know why, but I’m knackered today.
Poutine. Just the word conjures up bafflement on this side of the pond. But oh, how I miss you, salty cheesy goodness.
I can get very good chips, and decent enough gravy. It’s the cheese curd that is missing.
From wikipedia:
Cheese curds are little-known in locations without cheese factories, because they should ideally be eaten within hours of manufacture. Their flavor is mild with about the same firmness as cheese, but has a springy or rubbery texture. Fresh curds squeak against the teeth when bitten into, a defining characteristic, due to air trapped inside of its porous body. Cheese curds are sometimes referred to as “Squeaky cheese”.
Yes, squeaky cheese is near on impossible to find here, and I have started a crusade to find me some! I’ve contacted and emailed local and traditional cheese producers to see if I can get some fresh curds shipped from their factory. So far, no luck. But I’m still chasing some leads.
Watch this space!