I had another driving lesson this morning – this time going for my module 1 exam. The day didn’t start out well. We were doing some low-speed stuff on the back lot and I dropped the bike I was on doing a u-turn. This is highly annoying because so far the only thing that’s been reliably good has been my mod1 stuff and this morning, the mojo left me. I really didn’t like the bike I was on at first – the throttle was really stiff. After a bit of faffing to siphon some gas into another bike that handled better, we were off.
Then we got pissed on.
Quite a bit.
Really, really quite a bit.
So far, the last two lessons I’ve had have been in the drink, but this one today took the case. What I get for learning to drive in the fall, I guess.
The bad news is that I failed my mod1 for a silly reason. I don’t know how I manage to do it, but somehow I keep catching my foot rest when I pull away and it flips up so that I can’t use it properly. This happened just as I was pulling out for my slalom run. I had to put my foot down to put it back in the correct position. Foot down. Automatic failure. Bummer.
Still, I wouldn’t have passed. I wasn’t quick enough for the speed manoeuvres so I need to work on that and I put my foot down during my u-turn. That one really bugs me because I had those down pat last lesson. Blergh. Oh well, I have another mod1 scheduled for when I get back from Canada.
The DSA guy said that I have the control, I just need to clean a few things up.