Last Friday saw us going to the A&E department for the first time with Bean. He was having is pre-bedtime snack on a kitchen chair when he decided it would be a grand adventure to climb up on the back of the chair. The chair, being mean and vindictive, didn’t like that at all and decided to show its displeasure by toppling them both over. Unfortunately, his legs got muddled up in the chair back when it hit the ground and, though he stopped crying fairly quickly after a few cuddles, he wouldn’t put any weight on it so when we phoned up the emergency doctors, they told us to go to Addenbrookes.
All in all, it could have been a lot worse. It only took two hours from leaving the house to leaving Addenbrookes. In that time, Bean was a really good boy. He was sitting at a table in the waiting room and playing with toys, looking at the other kids and generally chillin’ with a box of juice. The x-rays didn’t show anything broken, but they’re treating it as a toddler fracture so for the next few weeks he’s sporting a nice purple leg cast below the knee (Katy wanted hot pink but I vetoed the idea).
I’ve always known that kids are resilient and as long as all of the pieces are in the same room they’ll eventually all fit back together. Still, even though it’s a small thing in the grand scheme of things, it’s not a nice feeling. Katy’s feeling bad because she things she should/could have done something sooner to prevent this, but I keep saying that the only way to make sure kids don’t get hurt ever is to wrap them in cotton wool and keep them sitting still all the time. That way madness lies. I will repeat that it’s still not a nice feeling though.
I’m heartened by the fact that Bean isn’t really fazed by any of this. He’s a bit grumpier than usual – mostly at the fact that he can’t run around at the moment – but he’s hobbling as best he can. Where he couldn’t put pressure on his leg on Friday night, he’s now walking – slowly – from the couch to his chair. He’s climbing on the back of the sofa and he’s standing up when I go get him from his cotbed in the morning. We had a nice weekend going to Cambridge, Tesco and Scottsdales and he was acting like he normally does. So yeah, it’ll slow him down for a bit then he’ll just get on with things, as you do.
We also found the time this weekend to get the last bits of xmas shopping done, decorate the house and put up the tree. Bean clapped when he saw it lit for the first time, which is always good for morale. He kept yelling “LIGHTS!!!”, pointing and clapping. All good :)