[15:50:07] Joe Foster: Gillian has washed my passport again, I won’t be in on monday I need to go to Peterborough to get a new one in time to travel with Juanan to Utrecht.
[15:50:10] Joe Foster: huzzah
[15:50:24] Richard Cote: ROFL
[15:51:12] Richard Cote: Why do you insist in keeping your passport in your pants?
[15:51:24] Richard Cote: you’d think you’d know better by now :)
[15:51:28] Joe Foster: because I dont carry a hand bag like a woman
[15:51:53] Richard Cote: at the price of emergency passport replacement, you might want to invest in a man-purse :)
[15:52:24] Joe Foster: and destroy my million pound street cred?!!?
[15:52:35] Richard Cote: what street cred?
[15:52:44] Richard Cote: you’re as white bread as they come
[15:53:19] Richard Cote: hell, I’m old and fat and have more street cred than you do :)
[15:53:27] Joe Foster: sure…sure…
[15:53:38] Richard Cote: tattoos count for something :)
[15:54:30] Joe Foster: So does being in a band, and being a champion drinker.
[15:55:49] Richard Cote: I will grant you the band thing is cool
[15:56:01] Richard Cote: but is unfortunately cancelled out by your magic geekery
[15:56:33] Richard Cote: Comic-book-guy has no street cred.
[15:56:44] Joe Foster: I agree the magic counts against me, but it’s more than outweighed by my partying skills and general banter.
[15:57:31] Richard Cote: true, you’re not completely white bread. You can call yourself Hovis 50/50
[15:57:46] Joe Foster: I can accept that, granary is for noobs.
[15:57:56] Richard Cote: I shall henceforth refer to you as BOB
[15:58:23] Joe Foster: gah you sound like my parents
[15:58:31] Joe Foster: they never call me joe, always bob.
[15:58:45] Richard Cote: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[15:58:58] Richard Cote: your parents rule :)
[15:59:08] Joe Foster: they kinda do.
Day: September 30, 2011
Some impressive, yet frigntening, statistics
My personal website is an ever-growing beast. Here are some of its stats:
28,558 files (2,054 of those are for the wordpress infrastructure)
1.5 GB disk usage
7,095 images (more or less)
Oldest file timestamp: Dec 31 1998
232,830 average monthly hits
4.3 GB average monthly network traffic
For reasons that aren’t really clear, the most consistently used search strings to appear in the logs are:
train cake
monopoly spaces
gay midget
I can understand most of those but, gay midget, wtf??