The weekend went fairly well. On Saturday, we had Currys deliver our new washer and dryer, which means that we can now do laundry at the same rate that the beans generates it and, joy of joys, drying it in a proper tumble dryer means that it’s not only dry in half the time of our old condenser dryer, clothing actually comes out dry and not just steamy! Plumbing and plugging everything went smoothly and we’re now up to date with the laundry. It’s the simple joys of life… We went to Tesco to get some supplies and Bean helped me make pasta sauce. Well, I chopped vegetables and he ate them, but he was a good boy while I did that so it kinda counts as helping.
On Sunday, we went to the miniature railway in Saffron Walden and let the Bean loose in Audley End. We managed to sneak in between bouts of rain, and it was a good way to let the child blow off some steam.

The railway was surprisingly good fun, and a fairly long ride. It’s really cool to see all that they’ve done along the way with all the stuffed toys, and we saw tons of pheasants. All in all, several hours of happy Bean for little money. Good deal, that.