There was something wrong with the VC setup this morning. We had picture in picture in picture in picture in…
Day: July 10, 2012
Life, ongoing
The EBI Summer Party has come and gone (under a deluge of rain, but was very successful nonetheless). The PRIDE Converter 2 manuscript is submitted, and all the documentation, help files, user manuals, developer manuals and example data sets have been finalized and uploaded. All of this is good.
Heard back from an opportunity I’d looked into. No joy on that front, which makes me a bit blue but the timing wasn’t the best anyway so it’s not the end of the world. Katy has a date for her operation, which is making her a bit nervous (and so I am, to be honest) but we’ll have the chance to talk to the surgeon beforehand so that should be good. She’s also seeing the dermatologist again, so hopefully things will progress on that front as well.
Our trip to Canada is still in the books for October, but we’ll wait to buy the tickets until after Katy’s all better. Bean is still being Bean, with all that entails. Hopefully we’ll have a bit of summer weather at some point soon so that we can take him to the beach.
We’re going to be taking on a lodger for a few months – one of Katy’s work colleagues. That should help get rid of a the credit card bill. Who knows, might even be fun to have another body around the house. Hopefully we won’t scare her off with the Christmas decorations :)