Apparently, the BBC has been reporting on a bumper crop of slugs due to all the rain we’ve been getting. Found this guy on a brick wall on the way to the corner shop.
Day: July 20, 2012
Porn, is there anything it can’t do?

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My take on a classic meme
The universe wants me to get a Jack Russell
I’ve had 4 encounters with Jack Russells in the last week. First off, we met our neighbour’s new dog. Then, there was the one at the pub during Antony’s leaving lunch. Then we saw one at Scottsdales on Wednesday, and last night, we saw a listing for JRT puppies going for £90 in the local newspaper.
Now is not the right time.
But soon. Soon…
Oh Google, is there anything you can’t do?
One of the little tasks I’m always finding myself doing is unit conversion. What’s 350oF in Celsius? How many ounces is 3/4 of a pound (Katy just asked me that one now)? I generally just google it and use the first link that comes up. Google just make it easier:
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Oh dear lord….
Dear Prudence is’s agony aunt. She gets all the weirdos.
My husband had sex with me while I was in a drunken state. Should I divorce him?
Dear Prudence,
My husband is kind, supportive, funny, generous, smart, and loving. However, I feel like I must divorce him. Six years ago, when we were in our early 20s and had just fallen in love, after a night of partying and drinking, he woke me up in the middle of the night and started to have sex with me. I was dozing and still drunk and, yes, I took my panties off myself. But when I realized that it was not OK for him to make advances on me in my state, I pushed him away and ran out. He later felt so bad he wanted to turn himself in for rape. I was very confused and thought at times that I was overreacting and at others that I was raped. We painfully worked through this, but the incident made my husband very reluctant about having sex. This led to an agreement that he shouldn’t be afraid of coming close to me in similar situations as long as he asked my consent. This made us feel better and I felt secure again. However, we just found ourselves in a very similar situation. After coming back from a friend’s wine tasting we went to bed and he started to kiss me. I liked it and went along, only to wake up in the morning and remember only half of it. Now I am in the same painful spot I was before and I can’t fathom how he could have ignored our agreement. Should I just drop it or am I right about feeling abused?—Confused
Dear Confused,
I understand the need for colleges to have unambiguous codes of sexual conduct for their young, horny, possibly plastered students. These often require getting explicit permission for every escalating advance. However, if two adults are in love and have frequently made love then each can assume implicit consent to throw such legalistic caution—as well as panties—to the wind. Certainly spouses are entitled to say, “Not tonight” or “Not there,” and have such a request respected. But even a married couple who have had sex hundreds of times can enjoy that alcohol might ignite a delightful, spontaneous encounter. Your approach, however, seems to be to treat your sex life as if it is subject to regulatory review by the Department of Health and Human Services. Your prim, punctilious, punitive style has me admiring your put-upon husband’s ability to even get it up, given the possibility he’ll be accused of rape—or turn himself in for it!—if one of you fails a breathalyzer test. Living in terror that expressing one’s perfectly normal sexual desire could end one’s marriage, and freedom, is itself a form of abuse. Stop acting like a parody of a gender-studies course catalog and start acting like a loving wife. If you can’t, then give the poor sap a divorce.—Prudie