When you need some generic text to flesh out something, normally you’d turn to the standard Lorem Ipsum, but why not fill your empty site with a torrent of graphic “world-class” erotic fiction instead. Meet the handy, and hilarious, Fifty Shades Generator.
The Generator basically spits out a load of truly graphic textual musings based on a pre-defined vocabulary of sex — or 50 Shades as we’ve now come to know it. Honestly, I’m truly amazed by just how graphic it really is, but it’s right in line with what the whole female world seems to be reading right now.
Here’s a sample:
“Leaving my panties sunny side up on the floor was the least of my worries as his veiny spunk-filled spam rocket shoved deeper into my puckered brown eye and started ramming my cocoa channel. By now, my chamber of squelch was dripping like there was a midget inside me with a super soaker. Hours of slamming like this would leave any girl’s flappy meal looking like Brian May’s plughole, and I was no different! With his chorizo howitzer plowing deep into my cum dumpster, the sensation of his greasy skin flute smashing my cervix made me quake like jelly. The thrusting makes me flood my pussy batter all over his gristle missile.”
Really women, is this what you call erotica????