I brought the suitcases in and Bean is rearing to go. He’s already started packing. So far, we have break, bagels, baby wipes and all the remotes that usually live on the couch. You know, the important stuff :-)
Month: September 2012
Oooooooold hamster
This is Briebrie. He’s still spry for a geriatric rodent but the years are catching up tp him. He’s starting to look a bit rough around the edges. He’s coming up to his third Christmas, which is a lot for a hamster. Still, he’s a living endorsement for the benefits of enriched breakfast cereals.
Ben was very cute this morning
Bean came into the office this morning and wanted to draw something before going to nursery. He climbs up on my chair, grabs a pen and starts doodling lines on a piece of scrap paper, while muttering: “mummy, daddy, bean, reenie, tolstoy, babba, dadda, uncle stu, auntie mina, uncle michael…”
Yaaaaaay, gadgets!
Xmas came early for me. Katy bought me a me tablet and I got it early so that I can bring it to Canada and use it to keep Bean entertained.
In other news, we had a visit from our new personal trainer tonight. I think it’s going to be a sound investment of time and money, even if she did mention several times that it’s ok if we swear at her. That doesn’t bode well :)
Today’s scrum planning meeting
Reminded me of this classic gem:
Woots all around today!
Lots of little bits of good news today :)
1. Normand sent me the aaaaalmost-final design for my upcoming tattoo and it ROCKS! I can’t wait to get it done!!
2. I have a 4-pound hunk of brisket that’s been brining for the last week currently smoking on the BBQ.
3. I broke the 18 stone barrier :) Katy and I aren’t on a diet per se, but we’re making a conscious effort to eat better, eat less and do more. We’ve been at it for a couple of weeks now. Katy has lost more than a stone already, and I’ve lost more than half a stone, but I’m finally below 18st for the first time in a while. I’ve also noticed that my fitness level has gotten better, so good news all around.
One of the more offbeat conferences I’ve seen in a while
Ubuntu really pissed me off
I’ve been running Ubuntu on my work laptop for several years and it’s been rock solid. I got a distribution upgrade notice yesterday and clicking on the “upgrade” button was, in retrospect, A FUCKING BAD IDEA!!!
I’ve lost two solid days of work trying to get my dual-core laptop with 6gb of RAM in a state slightly more responsive than a very drugged up sloth.
The new Unity desktop is a bloated mess. Several times in the past two days, I have wanted to hurl my laptop out the window. I really don’t like the direction that Ubuntu is going. 10.04LTS was rock solid and peppy. 12.04LTS turned my laptop into a brick. An ugly one at that.
Word of the day
Android development is sexay!
There’s a small side project that I’ve been wanting to do for a while now and I’m finally getting ’round to getting it done. It basically revolves around an online fiction website that I frequently go to to get new reading material. The only downside to that website is that it only offers HTML-fotmatted text, unless you pay a really silly amount for a premium account. The work-around I’m developing will allow you to log in, collate all of the individual chapters and subchapters and produce a full-fledged ebook. That’s all already done. The next step is to skin it and make an android app!
I can already see a few cool features I want to implement: * keep track of ongoing serials * set custom cover pages And that’s just the beginning :-)