+15 °C, Spanish wear caps, gloves and winter coats, Canadians are sunbathing.
+10 °C, French desperately try to get their central heating on. Canadians plant flowers.
+5 °C, Italian cars won’t start. Canadians drive with convertibles.
0 °C, Pure water freezes. Water in St-Laurent river thickens a bit.
−5 °C, First people are found frozen in California. Canadian midsummer festival ends.
−10 °C, Scottish turn the heat on in their houses. Canadians start to use long-sleeve shirts.
−20 °C, Swedes stay indoors. Canadians are having last BBQ before winter.
−30 °C, Half of the Greek people have frozen to death. Canadians start to dry their laundry indoors.
−50 °C, Polar bears evacuate North Pole. Canadian army starts it’s winter training.
−70 °C, Siberian people are moving to Moscow. Canadians are furious because booze can’t be stored outdoors anymore.
−273 °C, Absolute zero. Canadians admit that it is quite cold outside.
−300 °C, Hell freezes over. Canada wins the football World Cup.
(this was sent to me by a work colleague)