Month: March 2013
The dog and snake
Happy birthday, Dark Side

The dirty part is over now
Our house was originally built with electric storage heating. Along the way, one of the owners had it converted to gas central heating. The cowboy builder that did the work was more than useless. None of the pipes were lagged or clamped, and the floors were put down willy nilly so the whole of the upstairs was one giant, creaking jigsaw puzzle that would clang and bang like hell every time the heating came on. We finally decided to get that sorted.
This meant that all of the floors needed to come up, which was a pig of a job and had to be done in two steps. We had to break down all the furniture in Bean’s room and the guest bedroom, then get those rooms rebuild and re-carpeted. Then, after rebuilding all the furniture, we had to do the same thing to our bedroom and get that done, and then re-carpet the halls, stairs and landing as well.
While we were getting that done, Katy, Bean and Poley had to go to Leicester because we’d have builders coming and going all the time. It’s been hell on Katy, with all the driving and child/dog wrangling (all the while being ill). The good news is that it’s all done now, and the house is plush and quiet.
Eat more fruit…

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The real information you need for University
Cat etiquette
Animusic – Pipe Dream
Last one for now, another oldie but goodie :)
The piano is like a woman…
The piano is like a woman,
Sometimes classy, sometimes grand
She’s not always black and white
Sometimes she’s hard to understand
The way her melody just lingers
The way she slips right through your fingers
Oh the piano is like a woman
The guitar is like a woman
So elegant and tasteful,
The way she swerves and her body curves,
Her neck is long and graceful
And when you hold her like a lover,
On a sultry midnight stroll,
The guitar is like a woman,
It’s even got a hole…
The banjo is like a woman,
No one wants to hear it
The double bass is like a woman,
It’s big, fat and loves to be slapped