I have no idea what’s going on in this picture, but it made me laugh and that’s good enough.
Month: February 2014
Best work/life balance
Martin Beaupré in Morges
I had the privilege to meet Martin Beaupré last night at the Midnight Sun gallery, in Morges, where he was doing a live painting exhibition. The crowded house had the chance to see him start a painting and ask questions. It was a really fun and informative evening.
Things I learned:
- “Il est sans dessins”, which means that he always starts his paintings without any sort of drawing. It just flows freeform
- He paints while listening to various asian-themed soundtracks, or sometimes taiko drums
- All his paintings are started upside-down, which also helps the freeform flow. Sometimes geishas become mountains, sometimes mountains become geishas
- He can have between 8 and 10 paintings on the go at the same time, because of all the layers they need and the various drying times that are required
- His wife is the one responsible for putting each individual Swarovski crystals
- The little monk symbolizes self-mastery. The green trees symbolize abundance and love of life. The red trees symbolize rebirth, an internal springtime. The mountains symbolize the elevation of the spirit.

Boooooobs… Innnnnn… Spaaaaaaaaaaace

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I had to actually stop and wash the crazy off of my hands
I left work early to go home to run an errand. There was an old lady waiting at the EPFL Parc Scientifique bus stop, with a huge suitcase in tow. When the bus came to a stop, I helped her with her suitcase and went to find a seat. About 5 minutes into the ride, the lady – who was sitting about halfway back in the bus – starts yelling at the bus driver that she doesn’t have a ticket and wants to buy one. The driver asks the lady to come forward because she can’t hear her properly. That’s when things went downhill :) The old gal turned into a proper crazy old lady. Haven’t seen the level of crazy in a looking time! She started talking about herself in the 3rd person, calling herself a whore, a thief and an idiot, ranting about disgusting dirty races who keep threatening her. She said that her ticket should cost 3.50 CHF, because she just made up the price because she can’t read or count. When the bus driver told her her ticket would only cost 2 francs, she told her to keep the money and the ticket, because some dirty immigrant was probably going to steal it from her. She’s was now ranting about how the Swiss are intelligent enough, so go UDC(*) and fuck all the strangers and their money for the EPFL. Apparently things were much better in Suisse Romande in the old days, even if you couldn’t read or write. I should take the mid-day bus more often.
As to the washing my hands thing – I noticed that she was wearing a plastic bag on her hand and was using that to lug her suitcase around… For all I know, there could have been a dismembered body in there.
(*) The UDC are the right-wing nutjobs that managed to win the anti-EU referendum that has all of the sane, senior politicians in damage-control mode.
Update: What Happens When A Pixar Illustrator Turns R-Rated Movies Into A Kid’s Book?
I first wrote about this in June 2012, but now more pictures have been made available. They still, of course, rock!
The news: For years, Josh Cooley worked as a storyboard artist at Pixar Animation Studios. His illustrations laid the blueprint for such family classics as The Incredibles (2004), Ratatouille (2007), and Up (2009). But on Feb. 25, he’ll try his hand at the publishing game with a new book entitled Movies R Fun!: A Collection of Cinematic Classics for the Pre-(Film) School Cinephile. So far, it looks pretty awesome.
Cooley’s book takes a series of iconic scenes, moments, and images from well-known R-rated and adult-themed films, and renders them in his trademark child-friendly style. The result has been advertised as a “hilariously inappropriate” “children’s picture book parody for grown-ups.” From Pulp Fiction and Fight Club to The Shining and Rosemary’s Baby, few classics are spared the Cooley treatment.
Friendly (and realistic) wishes
Sound advice
Below is a list of ways to win an argument with your wife:
Alice in Oz
Dare I say it?

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