I’ve been hearing a high-pitched whine for the last couple of hours. It’s been getting louder and louder. It’s been driving me completely batshit. Katy, who will undoubtedly read this, will shake her head and groan because I’m prone to hearing things like this. Even though I’m completely deaf at some frequencies – generally when she’s talking to me – I can zero in to some noises and begin to obsess about them. Which is what has been happening. I know that some of our power adapters have an electric hum to them. That’s not it. Sometimes the cat water pump has air in it. That’s not it. It is a very directional noise, coming from the kitchen area. I’ve ruled out that it’s not electric or coming from an appliance by turning off the breakers to most of the front part of the apartment. It could be the building ventilation, but I can’t think where it’s coming from. It’s not coming from Bean’s cartoons. It’s not coming from the fish tanks, laptop adapters, phone and tablet chargers, lights, fluorescents, taps…..
Update: Well, shiiiiiit. Fucking facepalm.
That whistle that’s been driving me up the walls for the last 2 hours? It was coming from a bottle of coke zero left on the counter with the lid not properly screwed on.