Day: July 29, 2015
My readers are weeeeeird
I’ve done a word frequency cloud of the most common search terms that end up on my blog logs for the past year. The result is… unexpected. The winner, by a large margin, leads to an random blog post (nsfw) from December 2013. A laaaaaaaaaaaarge part of the other popular terms are also nsfw-related.
Except for Michel Roux Senior’s Lemon Tart recipe.
I love my blog.
PS: for future reference, if you want to make a wordle-compatible frequency map, use the following script with a csv file that has the count in the first column and the word(s) in the second column:
#!/bin/bash filename="$1" while read -r line do COUNT=`echo $line | cut -f1 -d','` TERM=`echo $line | cut -f2 -d',' | sed "s/ /~/g"` for (( c=1; c<=$COUNT; c++ )) do echo -n "$TERM " done done < "$filename"