It was loud, chaotic, funny, foodie, boozy. It was lovely. We were 30 people and a dog, which is probably about the maximum amount that will fit in the flat.
Our friends and neighbours:
Paul and Lam
Colin, Karen, Meg and Davey
Jennifer, Jonathan, Milla and James
Mira, Emmanuel and Eliza
My co-workers:
Damian and Gillian
Roko, Rudger and Suttipong
Katy’s clients:
Christina, Mark and Zoe
Guillaume, Françoise, Raphael and Lily
It kind of went by in a blur! You try and see and talk to everyone. You hope everyone has a good time, and enough to eat and drink. On that last note, I think it was a frank success, as we were actively pushing people to take food with them because there was no way we’d be able to eat everything.
What’s really cool is that people knew each other without us knowing. Emmanuel goes to the same school as Davey. Eliza does ballet with Milla. Paul and Colin both teach at the EPFL. Melody and Mira both work for PMI. What’s also very comforting is the fact that we feel… integrated. We have a community of friends, colleagues, parents, clients that we’re happy to share food, drink and time with – to invite into our home and to invite to get to know each other. It’s a good feeling.
And there was a dog. And the cats were actually around (and being social and not hiding).