This cup of coffee shouldn’t be there. I have no recollection of putting it there. I must’ve done. But I will swear I don’t remember doing so.
This morning, I made myself a cup of coffee. I went to the bathroom. I came out of the bathroom and went back to the kitchen, but my cup wasn’t there where I left it. I looked around. Nothing. Go to the office/guest bedroom. It was on my desk.
So, for this to have happened, I had to have walked across the flat, gone in the office, put it on my desk, left my office and gone to the bathroom. Except I *do not* remember that sequence of event.
I know that walking through a doorway makes you forget things. That’s a documented, scientifically proven and studied phenomenon. Somehow I managed to do it twice in one go and erase the fact I went into a room, did something, and left.
Either that or the flat is haunted by a coffee-maid. Or the matrix glitch. Or I’m nuts.