We’ve been wanting to do a tiled table for a while now, for several dog-related reasons. We’re hoping that the tiles and metal railings will prevent him from eating the damn thing, and hopefully help cool him down in the summer heat. We did it with the oldies while they were here over xmas. It almost looks like we knew what we were doing, and I’m super happy with the final result.
Author: admin
Titanic exhibit
Christmas has come and gone
Come to the dark side, it has good music
The pets adopt my mom
My mom is visiting us for a week. The chonk and the cockroach have adopted her.
Haiku tryptic on being a good boi
At first I was sad.
Nice lady gave me a treat.
I am happy now.
Now that’s a fine leg
Cockroach seemed highly offended when I caught her in the act of going to town on her own leg.
Trying to get back into the gym groove
I am coming up to 50 and I’m fat and out of shape. While I’m walking often, my muscle mass has gone down and my body fat has gone up. Yay, unhealthy aging.
So, to fight this, I’ve started going to sports physio and as homework, I need to work out twice a week. I’m starting to get into the rhythm.
So far, I don’t hate it.
The world is a sadder place today
Lili, my official not-my-dog for over 6 years, has gone to doggy heaven today. At close to 11, she’d done well for a boxer, but things had been going downhill fast for the last week, and today’s diagnosis of multiple brain tumours was not unexpected, but still a shock.
I’ve been going through my old photos. We had some good times these past years. I’m sad, I imagine that Guillaume is going through much worse…
Picture gallery of not-my-dog and all of the posts tagged not-my-dog
Cuddling with the bubs
It’s a hard, hard, hard life.