Love my wife (and my dog)
Pointy stabby thing in progress
Getting the band back together
How I wake up in the morning
Back to the shop
For the 1st time in over a year, I’m back in Colin’s shop trying to make a knife. I realise that I’m crap at manual work like this – I need a lot more practice – but I really enjoy it. Colin’s travelling for work from tomorrow, buy we’ll carry on when he’s back. Can’t wait.
[recipe] Ice-cream cake
5 large eggs, yolks and whites separated
80 ml milk
100g granulated sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
90g all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp pinch salt
Powdered/confectioners sugar
1 liter ice cream of your choice
Preheat oven to 350Ā°F/180Ā°C.
Grease a Jellyroll/Swiss roll pan (10 x 15 inch/25 x 38 cm) liberally with unsalted butter lined with parchment/baking paper.
To a bowl add the egg whites beat until stiff peaks form.
To a mixing bowl or stand mixer, add the egg yolks, milk and sugar, beat for 2 minutes until the sugar is dissolved and the mix is foamy and paler in color. Whisk in the vanilla.
Sift the flour and salt into the egg yolks, whisk until well mixed. Take 1/3 of the egg whites and carefully fold, using a spatula, into the egg yolk mix. Repeat with the other 2/3 of the egg whites until fully incorporated and the mix is smooth.
Pour the mix into the baking pan, smooth to an even layer. Lift the pan drop from a couple of inches onto your counter to even the batter and remove any air pockets or bubbles.
Bake for 15 minutes until golden brown.
Allow to cool for a minute. Lightly dust the top of the cake with powdered/icing sugar. Use a knife to loosen the edges and flip the cake over onto a towel laid out flat on your surface. Turn the cake one of the shortest edges is closest too you. Carefully peel away the parchment paper. Dust the other side with powdered/icing sugar. Take the edge along with the towel and roll tightly onto itself. Do this while the cake is warm to avoid cracking. Allow to cool completely at room temperature.
Once the cake is cool, carefully unroll. Scoop the ice cream onto the cake and smooth to an even layer. Take the end closest to you and roll up with the seam on the bottom.
Place on a freezer friendly plate or board and freeze for 30 minutes or until ready to serve up to 1 month.
Byron likes waffles
Byron is “helping” me make waffles. He’s a very good kitchen helper, even if he tends to flomp in front of drawers and doors I need to open. He’s currently waiting until they cool enough to eat.
Love this picture. He regularly goes cross-eyed for treats.
Update: He’s had his share of waffles, but is now complaining about the insufficient waffle content in his belly. He’s sitting in the kitchen, whining pitifully.
Boobs make everything better
Pretty damn much
[recipe] quick waffles
1 egg
200g self-raising flour
25g corn starch
1 tbsp golden caster sugar
225ml milk
50g butter, melted and cooled
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
1 tbsp sunflower or vegetable oil
maple syrup and icing sugar, to serve
Crack the egg into a large bowl, then tip in the flours and a generous pinch of salt. Add the sugar then gradually whisk in the milk followed by the melted butter until smooth. Whisk in the vanilla, if using.
Alternatively, make the batter by blitzing all the ingredients together using a blender or hand blender.
Can be made 1-2 hrs ahead and chilled.
Heat a waffle maker following the manufacturer’s instructions, brush with a little of the oil, then ladle in enough batter to just cover the surface. Cook following the manufacturer’s instructions (usually 5-6 mins) until the waffles are golden brown and crisp.
Serve immediately or keep warm in a low oven while you make the rest.
Drizzle with maple syrup or sprinkle with icing sugar, if you like.