Well, I just got back home. Had a drink with eniran, cause she was feeling a bit blue, then went to dinner with Michel. I was supposed to meet the new lady in his life, but life happened while we were making plans and she had to cancel. Ate an obscene amount of really excellent sushi (I hadn't eaten all day and I was starving), then went back to Hurleys for some booze.
Talked a lot with Michel, it felt good to get some stuff off my chest. The more I talk to the guy, the more I realize just how important he is to me. I'm glad he's happy in love. Couldn't happen to a better guy. Went back to the office to get my laptop (and incidentally, show him a picture of raspberrysalmon). He agrees with me that she's quite beautiful, but those pants have got to go :D Played frisbee in the office for a bit (yes, there's a frisbee in my office – it's a long story) and then we headed off for a walk and our weekly game of count the hookers†. He won. There were 5 (though that last one is debatable).
Took a cab home, and now I'm off to bed.
Nighty night.
† The rules of count the hookers are simple. We predict how many hookers we're going to spot while walking on Ste-Catherine, between St-Laurent and Berry. Whoever's closest wins bragging rights.