I just updated the look of my blog. Comments appreciated, flames ignored :)
Bits and bytes
Went to see Lord of the Rings last night with Hacker-grrl. She's just back from her business trip, and had many enjoyable stories to tell. The movie rocks, but the ending is a bit long-winded, IMHO. The whole thing is like 3:30 hours long. Hard on the ass at the end. Came back home, had a little snack and went to bed to pr0n dreams… I don't know, i'm getting a few of those lately. Meh. I'm not complaining, beats nightmares :)
Indulged in a bit of geek gaming this afternoon with the boys, and now I'm just chilling at home, waiting until Michel gets here so we can plan our trip to SF.
That's just…. wrong…. on so many levels
On the weirdness of spam
Casino spam? boring.
Viagra/Valium/Xanax/Vicodin spam? commonplace.
Spam-blocker spam? ironic, but next!
Horse cock spam and angry russians? rarer, but still nothing to write home to mom about
High colonics? Colon care???
I mean, who in their right mind would buy colon care on the internet…. O.o
I just saved your fucking life, Mom, the least you could do is offer me an Oreo
That's a quote from the book I'm currently reading (Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson). I kinda like it.
Feeling quite meh today. I have a few people I'd love to see before I leave for the holidays, but because of various scheduling conflicts, I don't know if I'm going to be able to :( Hacker girl just got back from Europe, but she's leaving for Ottawa this weekend, and is coming back the day before I leave, so that won't cut it. That sucks :( Same thing happened with Nh and her exams. I'm so not in the holidays this year, I should just change my name to Grinch McScrooge. Bah, humbug.
I don't know what's wrong with me. My boss commented that I always say I'm having a bad day. I think that's a sign I need to unwind and just change scenery for a while. I think this vacation will do be a world of good.
I killed my blender
The blender is dead, long live the blender.
I was making cream of leek soup when the damn thing cracked to pieces. Thermal shock. Damn damn damn.
At least the soup was good.
Keeping in contact
I got together with a group of friends for our semi-weekly gaming night yesterday, and I realized that I need more human contact.
These days, it seems, I talk to people through a screen. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hermit. It's just that in the past weeks, things have been a bit weird.
Hacker girl, my usual lunch buddy, is gallivanting in europe for her job. Biochemistry girl was in her finals. Sparrow has been in BC for the past 6 months, so that doesn't really count (and if you're reading this, I'll try and keep you better informed of my comings and goings – fair is fair). Mg is being kept way too busy by the lovely people he works for, so basically, last night was the first time I had fun with people other than my co-workers and my roommates. Felt good.
It also made me realise that I need more face time with the people I care for. Now since it's the holidays and people are going to be all over the place, that'll have to wait a bit, but that'll be part of my new year's resolution.
So, to keep my promise to a little bird, here's what's going to happen in my life in the next few days. I'll try and survive this week, and maybe, maybe, finally try meet strychnyn before I leave for Ottawa next week. I have to go pick up my passport on Monday (and dear lord, I hope I don't look like a serial killer on my picture). I'm going to head to the parental units' place and eat too much home cooking until the 26th. I'm leaving for SF on the 27th (way too friggin early in the morning), and I'll be in California until the 4th. My goals for this trip are to relax, see some sights, and kiss a beautiful woman on new years eve. I'd settle for 2 out of 3, but the hattrick would be nice :P
The FMBs will be the death of me
Man… the FMBs are at it again. It's like, how can you do things like this? Redirecting to port 81, calling everything with incremental textX names… Putting everything under the root of their ~home, or everywhere on the servers… It's just not done. It's bad practice. It's just stupid!!!! They have a complete disregard for basic security, bordering on a total lack of basic common sense.
There, I feel much better now.
Proofreading is brain-damaging
I just finished proof-reading our whole new corporate website. Buzzword brain overload. Looks nice though :)
Did I mention that I love to cook?
My kitchen smells damn good. On the menu tonight:
– Chicken, with a rice, ground pork, red oignon, celery, mushroom, thyme, sage, oregano and tarragon stuffing.
– Cream of leek soup with lots of pepper
– Buttered corn
Glrmph… can't wait :)