The blender is dead, long live the blender.
I was making cream of leek soup when the damn thing cracked to pieces. Thermal shock. Damn damn damn.
At least the soup was good.
Notes from a bemused canuck
The blender is dead, long live the blender.
I was making cream of leek soup when the damn thing cracked to pieces. Thermal shock. Damn damn damn.
At least the soup was good.
I got together with a group of friends for our semi-weekly gaming night yesterday, and I realized that I need more human contact.
These days, it seems, I talk to people through a screen. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hermit. It's just that in the past weeks, things have been a bit weird.
Hacker girl, my usual lunch buddy, is gallivanting in europe for her job. Biochemistry girl was in her finals. Sparrow has been in BC for the past 6 months, so that doesn't really count (and if you're reading this, I'll try and keep you better informed of my comings and goings – fair is fair). Mg is being kept way too busy by the lovely people he works for, so basically, last night was the first time I had fun with people other than my co-workers and my roommates. Felt good.
It also made me realise that I need more face time with the people I care for. Now since it's the holidays and people are going to be all over the place, that'll have to wait a bit, but that'll be part of my new year's resolution.
So, to keep my promise to a little bird, here's what's going to happen in my life in the next few days. I'll try and survive this week, and maybe, maybe, finally try meet strychnyn before I leave for Ottawa next week. I have to go pick up my passport on Monday (and dear lord, I hope I don't look like a serial killer on my picture). I'm going to head to the parental units' place and eat too much home cooking until the 26th. I'm leaving for SF on the 27th (way too friggin early in the morning), and I'll be in California until the 4th. My goals for this trip are to relax, see some sights, and kiss a beautiful woman on new years eve. I'd settle for 2 out of 3, but the hattrick would be nice :P
Man… the FMBs are at it again. It's like, how can you do things like this? Redirecting to port 81, calling everything with incremental textX names… Putting everything under the root of their ~home, or everywhere on the servers… It's just not done. It's bad practice. It's just stupid!!!! They have a complete disregard for basic security, bordering on a total lack of basic common sense.
There, I feel much better now.
I just finished proof-reading our whole new corporate website. Buzzword brain overload. Looks nice though :)
My kitchen smells damn good. On the menu tonight:
– Chicken, with a rice, ground pork, red oignon, celery, mushroom, thyme, sage, oregano and tarragon stuffing.
– Cream of leek soup with lots of pepper
– Buttered corn
Glrmph… can't wait :)
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you
01. I drink coffee for breakfast.
02. I need to get out more.
03. I'm an electronics junky.
04. I crack my jaw when I wake up in the morning.
05. I'm very drawn to and impacted by color.
06. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever love my job.
07. I love teddy bears
08. I also hate people who TypE LyKe D1s.
09. I love having friends from all over the world.
10. I loved college
11. I hate being teased by mean-spirited people
12. I'm a jeans and a t-shirt person
13. I absolutely love when other people play with my hair.
14. For some things in my life, forgetfulness is a blessing.
15. I love to swim
16. I cant stand stationary bicycles.
17. I worry about things I cannot change.
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. I love studying people in public. It's a form of Urban Anthropology.
20. I havent traveled enough.
21. I'm a hedonist
22. I have a weakness for hooded sweatshirts.
23. I want to live in another country for a while someday.
24. I need to express my feelings towards other people
25. I love british comedy
26. I drink an incredible amount of water.
27. I love going new places and seeing new things and trying out new stuff to eat.
28. I'm a weird person.
29. I sometimes wonder if any human can understand another, never mind one of another gender, ethnic origin, etc.
30. I love to cuddle in bed with someone.
31. I like fog.
32. I like to keep it simple.
33. I spend too much time on-line.
34. I'm a bookworm
35. Pink is NOT my color.
36. Grey is. And Black.
37. I love redheads
38. I'm afraid of needles
39. I love photography.
40. I wish I had the opportunity to spend more time with friends.
41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.
42. I like people who are a bit out of the ordinary.
43. I never capitalize when I type. (except now, apparently)
44. I like the Simpsons and quote it far too often.
45. I change my mind constantly and doubt the decisions I make.
46. I have a terrible time meeting new people. I get quiet or I cant shut up.
47. I want to design my own home someday.
48. I'm tired of being single
49. I love being online.
50. I blush easily
51. I like silence at times.
52. I wish I was better at pool.
53. I'd love to play a musical instrument
54. Sometimes I wish I was born 100 years ago.
55. I like being alone sometimes.
56. Evening is my favorite time of day.
57. I love to cook, and trying new recipes. It soothes me.
58. Long walks clear my soul and my mind.
59. I hate shopping
60. I'm pessimistic and cynical sometimes.
61. I am sarcastic.
62. Some days should be spent in bed
63. I overreact about things sometimes.
64. I cry at music sometimes.
65. I have odd dreams.
66. I sometimes wish I could take back things I've said, or said things I didn't
67. I'm afraid of bees
68. I had a ponytail for many years
69. I think GW Bush is an ass. I think similarly about his supporters.
70. Politics is a necessary evil, but I hate talking about it.
71. I try to remind myself to appreciate little things in life.
72. Sometimes I just have nothing to say.
73. I'm online a lot.
74. Reading puts me to sleep.
75. I often wonder if I give too much of myself to other people.
76. I am too trusting.
77. I am too skeptical.
78. I love hanging out at the library.
79. I love sushi.
80. I am told I write very well.
81. I can be hard to deal with sometimes.
82. I don't generally like horror movies
83. I like historical fiction and alternate history novels.
84. I need to take more time for myself but it makes me feel horribly guilty.
85. On some issues, I'm very firm in my beliefs.
86. I am male.
87. I don't understand why anyone in their right mind would oppose gay civil marriage.
88. I love giving compliments.
89. I'm white, catholic and male. I'll probably never experience racism.
90. I am not sure what direction my life is headed. I not even sure that I'm enjoying the ride.
91. I need to relax more. .
92. I occasionally smoke pot (though it has been a while).
93. I love single malt scotch
94. When I'm stressed out, I sleep and eat a lot.
95. I am desperately in need of new clothing.
96. I need to lose 20 pounds (and maybe more)
97. I'm a self-described geek.
98. I have one (or more) tattoo(s).
99. I'm right handed.
100. I am done with this survey now.
[Premise: we've been trying to find a good time for a date, but things keep coming up]
Strychnyn says: nah i think i'll just keep stringing you along Talisker says: evil thing Strychnyn says: i know *buffs nails* Talisker says: :D Talisker says: and I was hoping to get the skinny on female insanity Strychnyn says: they're insane. Strychnyn says: there's your skinny Talisker says: that's it? no method, just madness? no reason? Strychnyn says: dood, it's insanity. how methodical do you expect it to be? Talisker says: so how come we're not extinct yet? Strychnyn says: women may be insane, but men are just stupid it's all about the yin and yang, yanno
I've met many interesting people recently. A few of them have crossed over from casual acquaintance to real friendship. They come from very diverse backgrounds, have completely different personalities, and I love each and every one of their quirks. They make me think, they make me laugh, and they give me very diverse points of view on the female psyche.
Like the song says:
I'm feeling mighty lonesome
Haven't slept a wink
I walk the floor and watch the door
And in between I drink
Black Coffee
Urgh. I woke up 4 times last night. If I didn't have a client meeting today, I'd call in sick. Bleargh.
Meh. I wanted to go see 'The Last Samourai' tonight, but I couldn't find anybody to go with me. Excuses were of the form of I need to:
Sigh… going to see a movie alone is boring, so I'll have to wait to go see it.