1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you
01. I drink coffee for breakfast.
02. I need to get out more.
03. I'm an electronics junky.
04. I crack my jaw when I wake up in the morning.
05. I'm very drawn to and impacted by color.
06. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever love my job.
07. I love teddy bears
08. I also hate people who TypE LyKe D1s.
09. I love having friends from all over the world.
10. I loved college
11. I hate being teased by mean-spirited people
12. I'm a jeans and a t-shirt person
13. I absolutely love when other people play with my hair.
14. For some things in my life, forgetfulness is a blessing.
15. I love to swim
16. I cant stand stationary bicycles.
17. I worry about things I cannot change.
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. I love studying people in public. It's a form of Urban Anthropology.
20. I havent traveled enough.
21. I'm a hedonist
22. I have a weakness for hooded sweatshirts.
23. I want to live in another country for a while someday.
24. I need to express my feelings towards other people
25. I love british comedy
26. I drink an incredible amount of water.
27. I love going new places and seeing new things and trying out new stuff to eat.
28. I'm a weird person.
29. I sometimes wonder if any human can understand another, never mind one of another gender, ethnic origin, etc.
30. I love to cuddle in bed with someone.
31. I like fog.
32. I like to keep it simple.
33. I spend too much time on-line.
34. I'm a bookworm
35. Pink is NOT my color.
36. Grey is. And Black.
37. I love redheads
38. I'm afraid of needles
39. I love photography.
40. I wish I had the opportunity to spend more time with friends.
41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.
42. I like people who are a bit out of the ordinary.
43. I never capitalize when I type. (except now, apparently)
44. I like the Simpsons and quote it far too often.
45. I change my mind constantly and doubt the decisions I make.
46. I have a terrible time meeting new people. I get quiet or I cant shut up.
47. I want to design my own home someday.
48. I'm tired of being single
49. I love being online.
50. I blush easily
51. I like silence at times.
52. I wish I was better at pool.
53. I'd love to play a musical instrument
54. Sometimes I wish I was born 100 years ago.
55. I like being alone sometimes.
56. Evening is my favorite time of day.
57. I love to cook, and trying new recipes. It soothes me.
58. Long walks clear my soul and my mind.
59. I hate shopping
60. I'm pessimistic and cynical sometimes.
61. I am sarcastic.
62. Some days should be spent in bed
63. I overreact about things sometimes.
64. I cry at music sometimes.
65. I have odd dreams.
66. I sometimes wish I could take back things I've said, or said things I didn't
67. I'm afraid of bees
68. I had a ponytail for many years
69. I think GW Bush is an ass. I think similarly about his supporters.
70. Politics is a necessary evil, but I hate talking about it.
71. I try to remind myself to appreciate little things in life.
72. Sometimes I just have nothing to say.
73. I'm online a lot.
74. Reading puts me to sleep.
75. I often wonder if I give too much of myself to other people.
76. I am too trusting.
77. I am too skeptical.
78. I love hanging out at the library.
79. I love sushi.
80. I am told I write very well.
81. I can be hard to deal with sometimes.
82. I don't generally like horror movies
83. I like historical fiction and alternate history novels.
84. I need to take more time for myself but it makes me feel horribly guilty.
85. On some issues, I'm very firm in my beliefs.
86. I am male.
87. I don't understand why anyone in their right mind would oppose gay civil marriage.
88. I love giving compliments.
89. I'm white, catholic and male. I'll probably never experience racism.
90. I am not sure what direction my life is headed. I not even sure that I'm enjoying the ride.
91. I need to relax more. .
92. I occasionally smoke pot (though it has been a while).
93. I love single malt scotch
94. When I'm stressed out, I sleep and eat a lot.
95. I am desperately in need of new clothing.
96. I need to lose 20 pounds (and maybe more)
97. I'm a self-described geek.
98. I have one (or more) tattoo(s).
99. I'm right handed.
100. I am done with this survey now.