I don’t think that 2023 will be a good year for the cats. Tolstoy is 16, deaf as a post, isn’t as agile on his feet and keeps missing jumps on things, sometimes shits randomly on soft furnishings, and showing signs of dementia (Crap, there’s a dog here! Runs away. 2 minutes later, saunters back, crap, there’s a dog here! Repeat indefinitely). Reenpig is 15, and… signs are not positive from her last vet visit. Because she’s part of our defective pet collection, her test results make no sense whatsoever and the vet is honestly baffled. He’s having to do litterature searches because he doesn’t understand what the tests are saying vs the actual state of the cat. She’s had a constant nosebleed for over two weeks. She’s sneezing and sniffling blood, but at the same time is eating, drinking, demanding fuss. But her bloods shows she’s severely anemic, has almost no platelets, zero coagulation. On paper, she should be bleeding out of every orifice. Except she’s not. And so, probably more tests… We’ll always do what’s best for her, but that might involve hard decisions, sooner than later. This is always the shit part of responsible pet ownership.
Tag: cats
The cat is an asshole… part whatever
The many (disapproving) faces of Reenpig
Uncia, up close
The Tao of Reenpig – give no f4cks!
2021 isn’t giving us a damn break
Katy came back from the UK on Friday and on Saturday we had to go to the emergency vet because Reenie’s ass literally exploded. She has a burst anal gland abscess and will need surgery to clean it out and remove some necrotic tissue. If it sounds bad, it actually manages to look worse. Poor kitten of doom. Right now, she’s trying to groom bug is wearing the cone of shame so all I hear is her licking rough plastic.
When your cat is broken
Step away for 5 minutes…
Aaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllll the Pavel pictures
I just went back through 7 years of blog picture roll. Dear lord, I keep weird shit.
Edit: I had a bunch of pictures on my phone that weren’t on the blog. This has been rectified. I’m also that anal that all the pictures are now chronologically ordered, from latest to oldest. Yes, I did that. Yes, it matters to me :)