My Boris lies over the ocean
My Boris lies over the sea
My Boris lies over the ocean
Oh Bring back my Boris to me…..
p.s. ashre79 took the picture. Go her!
The beaver is a proud and noble animal
Notes from a bemused canuck
My Boris lies over the ocean
My Boris lies over the sea
My Boris lies over the ocean
Oh Bring back my Boris to me…..
p.s. ashre79 took the picture. Go her!
Just spoke with my landlady and I can't bring Boris over. Poo, I say! POO!
…someone new appeared in my life.
Who could have thunk it, that one year later, I'd be writing this entry in Merry Ole England.
All because of my cat.
Edit: Nat had sent me pics earlier in the week. I finally had the time to scan a few. So, for all of you, here's my kitty:
I just spoke with my landlady about the possibility of bringing Boris here. My lease says no pets, but since all the furnishings are mine and I keep his claws trimmed, added to the fact that he's an indoors cat, I think I have a chance. I also offered to have the apartment steam cleaned before I left, so that might sway her. I'll see. She didn't seem all that chuffed about the idea, but who knows.