Writing a project brief, during a budding zombie apocalypse, at a wine fair.
Tag: dreams
Weeeeeird dream
Just woke up from a fever dream that involved a dance off with zombies, Santana, Simon Cowell, Starmania, Moby, Michel Jackson, a chase through a multi story car park, a were-dog and vampires, a wood planer, Victorian London, and so much more. It’s fading now, but oh what a West-End production it would have been!
I dream the best one-liners ever
Sometimes I dream that I’m the narrator in a film noir genre movie. Throughout my dream, I let myself know what’s happening. It sounds quite fucked up but it’s generally quite fun. I generally don’t remember much from my dreams, but this morning I had this gem stuck in my head:
His name was Luis Rio and bergerie libre, the ancient and traditional sport of Mexican sheep wrestling, was his passion. It broke his heart when an unfortunate incident made him leave in disgrace, but these things will happen when you spend your days rubbing yourself against livestock.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Last night, I dreamed that I went trick or treating on the McGill campus (which looked like the Cambridge rail station) and President Dubya Bush gave me a kitkat.
I've come up with a nice term for weird dreams: introucing bugs in my OS (It came to me while I was dreaming, but I like it). Katy woke me up last night at 1am to ask me who the pretentious man in a suit was. Mmmokay. She'll come up with random statements like that when she's asleep. Apparently, she was trying to stop a war so it's ok.
I don't know what I did to myself last night but this morning *both* shoulders hurt.
Not a happy camper.
Yet anther weird dream
So last night my dream involved:
buying a house from my current landlords and finding the poopsmith in the basement and further finding out that one of the rooms lead to a leasure establishment (think Spirited away, but more Tiki than Oriental) that had Elvis Fridays. Fast forward/segway into an evil overlord-type plan to do something evil (that part is still murky) that involved an insane asylum, the grown up children from Roseanne and a shower that turned me into a really buff samourai with white hair and a sculpted (and well endowed) body… Muh?
Truer words were never spoken
I have the dumbs today.
I had a rough night last night. I blame the quiche. It tasted really nice but gave me a really evil case of heartburn at 2am. I also blame the really psychotic dream I had at around 3am. I hate that sort of dream, especially since I tend to have it regularly. When I'm involved in a particularly challenging or interesting project at work, I tend to take it home with me and I dream about it. Intensively. As in, I'm compiling code bit by bit in my dreams, or trying to create a Theory-Of-Everything or something of the sort. The worst thing is that I know I'm dreaming, and I know it's all crap, but I can't break out of it and I keep going through the motions. The most annoying thing is that when I finally manage to semi-wake up, I'm still thinking about my dream and I have to consciously work at trying to think about something else. It's harder than it seems. You try *not* thinking about something.
Today will not be a productive day.
There's food everywhere in my kitchen
This will be a long post, so be prepared. Go make yourself a sammich, cause I have lots to say, but most of it is ramblings on the little joys of life.
Our story starts last friday, when I had an appointment to go see a counsellor on phobias and behaviour modification. I'm finally going to be doing something about my insect phobia, probably starting next september when the NHS get back to me. They say that the treatment has a decent success. I just hope I'll be able to sit outside and enjoy a cup of coffee without being in mortal fear of my life all the time.
Katy's parents are in Cambridge for the weekend for my birthday. We went shopping for my birthday prezzie today: shiny stainless steel kitchen knives. I can't post a picture now, cause they're in the process of being wrapped. Silly girl, go figure :) I've also learned that party hats and amusing birthday candles are going to be inflicted on me tomorrow :) I've also gotten gift certifiates for The Pier, woot! We saw some cool wine glasses that we're going to get when they have a sale. They're a bit pricey now (and we don't really have anywhere to put them – it's becoming apparent that we really REALLY need our own house).
I've been having really weird dreams again these days. Not scrary or distrubing, just … weird. Like a weird combination of Harry Potter, Hitlerian October youths, animal facilities at McGill, old bosses, old friends, new clients, LIMS systems for PRIDE, being seduced by Katy's cousins, weirdness, I tells ya.
Made duck again tonight, to keep a proise to Katy's dad. I'm a bit disappointed, cause I overcooked it. It was still nice, but not as nice as the last time. The big success was the guacamole I did though. It was KICK-ASS!
the recipe was:
4 baby avocadoes
half a lemon
few tbsps of olive oil
few tbsps of chopped tomatoes
I tried to blend it, but it didn't really work. I've realized that I now need a food processor (Katy, hint! hint!). I ended up mushing it up with a spoon. We ate it with small pita breads.
All in all, dinner was lurvely. Our post-dinner plans include strawberry crumble, bowling and a movie. More on this later.
Edit: it is now later and bowlling has happened. In two words, I suck. In my defense, a) I wasn't drunk enough for proper disco bowling and b) I couldn't find a ball that fit. They were either two small (and my thumb got stuck more thank once) or too large and too heavy.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Not the best weekend ever
For the second day running, I slept for shit. Bad dreams, too hot, too many things running in my mind. I've been in and out of bed since 5am this morning. I can't stay in bed when I'm awake cause my back starts playing up, but at the same time, I'd like to be there when the girl wakes up. She's currently snoring away – lucky girl. She doesn't know how beautiful she is just lying like that and she doesn't believe me when I tell her so.
Weird dreams are made of this…
I've been having very vivid dreams in the last few days. Dreaming of old friends and old situations. The one I had last night was particularly amusing.
I used to be a grad student and one of the things I worked with were live cell cultures. These things are evil because they need almost daily work – even if it only takes about 30 minutes to an hour, it still means that you needed to go to the lab every day, weekends, holidays and all. So last night, for I think the first time, I said “no, fuck 'em, let 'em die – I'll start a new batch tomorrow”.
It felt wonderful :)