If Roko has an accident and we all die, half the digital nutrition and health team snuffs it.
Tag: friends
Another weekend, another BBQ
It’s a hard life
Bernhard organised a beach bbq in Preverenges. Big honking slab of dead cow, chicken, sausages, salads, good food and good company – some of which we hadn’t seen in quite a while. Ben spent most of the afternoon in the lake, and only just as we were leaving figured out that the girls were there to play with. That boy…
You know…
You know you’re in a painful phone call, and you know you work with brilliant people, when a colleague leaves the meeting and brings you back a beer (*).
Some people have the amazing talent of taking a one-sentence statement and talking about it for 10 minutes – without actually saying anything constructive. Impressive.
(*) which, obviously, remained unopened and untouched, because it would be wrong to drink at work.
When we were young…
And carefree, and had hair.
You have to be my best friend
Merry Swissmass
Katy and I had some people over for drinks and nibbles. We had work friends, school friends and neighbours over for a little afternoon informal get together that included 2.5l of homemade mulled wine, 1.5l of mulled apple juice, Katy’s homemade mincemeat pies and tons of cheese, veg and dips. All totaled, we were 18 adults and 12 kids. Impressive for our flat.
Good friends are like stars…
The end of an era
Hail to the chief! It was Lennart’s last day at the office yesterday. Even though he’s only leaving next week for Belgium, he’s on holiday from today to use up the last of his leave time. It’s going to be weird without him at the office. I’m happy for him though – a full tenured professorship and senior lecturer and he’s only 33. That’s impressive, and it’s also an offer he couldn’t refuse. As a gag-ish gift, we bought him a tweed jacket and had leather patches sewn on the elbows, as now befitting to his stature ;) Getting people to sign the card was a nightmare though. Between holidays, sickness, conferences and general not-being-at-the-officeness, it was a cast iron PITA to get hold of people.

On a professional note, the office is going to be rudderless for the next 6 months – at least – until we can hire his replacement and that person comes in and gets a feel for things. I can only hope that it’s somebody with a decent head on their shoulders and that will fight for us, not against us. Said person will have mighty big shoes to fill. I have to say that we’re all a bit anxious about the state of things to come.
On a personal note, I’m saddened that a friend is leaving. I don’t have many of those in the UK and I’m going to miss him and his various zen koans and happy demeanour.

I shall take inspiration from his greatness :)
What to do…
What do you do when someone is in such a good mood, because he spent the weekend having wild monkey sex, and wants to tell you all about it, but you just want to beat the shit out of him?