Tag: geek
Cybernetic pinup
Browsers of the internet
Random Posts for your viewing pleasure
I’ve been writing a blog, in many forms, for a while now and I’ve said some fairly random shit over the years (I mean, lapagebuzz is a classic onto itself!). It caught my by surprise that my first post is over 10 years old (02/12/2013, to be exact), from when I imported my LiveJournal feed into WordPress. As such, I installed a widget that will select 5 random posts and display them in the sidebar, below the recent posts.
Grumble, grumble, stoopid computers
My blog posts are being cross posted to Facebook, which is good, but nothing is showing up in my friends pages, which is annoying as feck. I tried flushing the connections, so see what happens.
On the importance of backups!!!
As part of my normal website maintenance, I have a cron script that backs up my whole website and wordpress database. I have now noticed that the file backup hasn’t been running since mid-november. That shouldn’t normally be a problem, until the time when you make a typo in a unix command that, instead of deleting files with a ‘_backup’ tag DELETES EVERY FUCKING FILE IN A DIRECTORY. I managed to kill the command before the whole lot of my new galleries got killed, but I lost four. Two were in a previous backup, one I could rebuild in short order. The last one will need some serious digging around to find the original files.
So kiddies, lesson for today is MAKE SURE YOUR BACKUPS ARE UP TO DATE!
The owl is hard at work
The owl and I have been co-opted at work. We are now Mac users. If I’m being honest with myself, it’s a lot better than what I remember it being, from the last time I used it (which was, admittedly, in the late 90s when I was doing my masters). Still, the keyboard quirks take some time to get used to, and the jury is still out on the single-button mouse. Having said that, compared to the monstrosity that is the standard corporate brick..er..laptop, it’s sooo much better!
Seriously, github?
I’ve been trying to login to the github repo at work when I see this. Seriously??
I love rule 34

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