Tag: geek
Google autocomplete questions
Google autocomplete results have always been a font of joy; nowhere else is humanity’s curiosity and stupidity celebrated in such equal measure. But when you really start to comb through what it has to offer—as xkcd does today—it goes from amusing to disturbing and back again way quicker than you’d think.
Why are Americans afraid of dragons?
Why are wrestlers always wet?
Why do testicles move?
Why is there kicking in my stomach?
Yay, Google :)
I need a t-shirt of this
This is why I love my new workplace
My boss sent this to all of the bioinformaticians/software engineers :)
To which I reply:
I love unix one-liners
The software that I use to generate the photo albums has started being annoying and inserts javascript that generates a “Built with XXX, Click here to buy a license” soft-popup in the album pages. It’s annoying as feck. I set about to do something geeky about it and came up with this:
find . -name "*.html" -execdir sed -i -n '1h;1!H;${;g;s/<script type.*CDATA*</script>//g;p;}' {} +
This little snippet checks the thousand of HTML picture slide files that I have and just removes the offending bit of HTML, all in one line that takes about 30 seconds to execute.
I love linux.
Say it with chemicals
Cards available on Etsy
Massaging the numbers
Once in a while, I check my website usage stats. It never fails to amaze me. This website is, for lack of a better description, an I-Love-Me affair where I post things that I want to remember or stuff that I like. Yet, on average, 635 people visit daily, which means over 2000 daily page views, or 12000+ daily hits. Now slashdot this ain’t, but it’s still fairly impressive :) Also, considering that the blog is crossposted to FB, the actual usage stats might actually be higher. People stumble onto my website from all over the world.
What’s even more interesting though, are the google search terms that people use to wind up on my blog. I did a quick check and, for the last year, the top search term has consistently been “porn”. Which is odd, considering that there isn’t any. Other perennial favourites are:
- playfur
- beeker
- train cake
- lolcats
- meanwhile in canada
- fabio napoleoni
- fabian perez
- todd white
- remi labarre
and for reasons that I don’t get, “michel roux lemon tart” is always somewhere up in the top 5.
There are also some really random ones:
dalek porn
canadian beer
debugging is a state of mind
keep calm and drink wine
and a new one for me: nyotaimori The link is rather NSFW.
Having a bit of fun with fonts
Epic Rap Battles of History
The record-breaking digital series “Epic Rap Battles of History” (ERB), created by Peter Shukoff (aka Nice Peter) and Lloyd Ahlquist (aka EpicLLOYD), features comedic rap battles between historical and/or pop culture figures—such as Albert Einstein vs. Stephen Hawking and Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates. The series, which airs on the YouTube channel /ERB, is currently the most viewed format on YouTube on a per episode basis.