Reminded me of this classic gem:
Tag: geek
Ubuntu really pissed me off
I’ve been running Ubuntu on my work laptop for several years and it’s been rock solid. I got a distribution upgrade notice yesterday and clicking on the “upgrade” button was, in retrospect, A FUCKING BAD IDEA!!!
I’ve lost two solid days of work trying to get my dual-core laptop with 6gb of RAM in a state slightly more responsive than a very drugged up sloth.
The new Unity desktop is a bloated mess. Several times in the past two days, I have wanted to hurl my laptop out the window. I really don’t like the direction that Ubuntu is going. 10.04LTS was rock solid and peppy. 12.04LTS turned my laptop into a brick. An ugly one at that.
Android development is sexay!
There’s a small side project that I’ve been wanting to do for a while now and I’m finally getting ’round to getting it done. It basically revolves around an online fiction website that I frequently go to to get new reading material. The only downside to that website is that it only offers HTML-fotmatted text, unless you pay a really silly amount for a premium account. The work-around I’m developing will allow you to log in, collate all of the individual chapters and subchapters and produce a full-fledged ebook. That’s all already done. The next step is to skin it and make an android app!
I can already see a few cool features I want to implement: * keep track of ongoing serials * set custom cover pages And that’s just the beginning :-)
Fun with statistics
I fiddled around with Wolfram Alpha’s personal Facebook analytics to data mine my facebook profile. Some fun stuff appears below:
This one is really cool. It clusters all of my friends into how they’re related to each other. You can clearly see clusters based on periods of my life:
Data overload much?
From /.
“The BBC has revealed that on the busiest day of its London 2012 Olympics coverage it delivered 2.8 petabytes worth of content, peaking when Bradley Wiggins won gold, where it shifted 700Gb/s. It has also said that over a 24-hour period on the busiest Olympic days it had more traffic to than it did for the entire BBC coverage of the FIFA World Cup 2010 games. They revealed they had 106 million requests for BBC Olympic video content, which included 12 million requests for video on mobile devices across the whole of the Games. Mobile saw the most uptake at around 6pm when people had left the office but still wanted to keep informed of the latest action. Tablet usage, however, reached a peak at around 9pm, where people were using it as a second screen or as they continued to watch the games in bed.”
Bobble does dubstep!
In the past, Bobble has shown that he can cut a rug with acid jazz. Now, being older and more streetwise, he’s turned his talons to dubstep!
As a side note, squeee! I got the flash movie player to work locally. No more youtube dependence for me :)
How auto-correct can make your life interesting…
Why I love the internet or, why I love my weird friends
Over the years, I have to say that I’ve been particularly blessed to have met several real life weirdos on the internet, and I love them all dearly. So much so that I even married one of them.
Some impressive, yet frigntening, statistics
My personal website is an ever-growing beast. Here are some of its stats:
28,558 files (2,054 of those are for the wordpress infrastructure)
1.5 GB disk usage
7,095 images (more or less)
Oldest file timestamp: Dec 31 1998
232,830 average monthly hits
4.3 GB average monthly network traffic
For reasons that aren’t really clear, the most consistently used search strings to appear in the logs are:
train cake
monopoly spaces
gay midget
I can understand most of those but, gay midget, wtf??
Keep calm…
A little project I’m working on that I thought I’d share