The news is … good? That can’t be right. I’ve had a couple of face-to-face interviews and I have some more lined up. I’ve had my first official driving lesson and that went surprisingly well. We’re getting the upstairs floor fixed and re-carpeted soon. Things are going well. Why am I waiting for something bad to happen???
Tag: jobs
Testing the waters, swiftly followed by drowning.
I already mentioned that my 9 years at the EBI are coming to a close this year. I’ve been updating my CV and thinking about what I want to do when i grow up. To test the waters last night, I posted my CV on Monster and pinged a few job offers. I did not expect what happened next.
My phone hasn’t stopped ringing. Between 7:15 and 12:30, I received calls from 16 recruiters.
Polishing off the old CV
I'm applying to a part-time job as a technical copy writer for a biotech firm here in Cambridge. It's 5-10 hours a week, and it might give us some more leeway in trying to get the capital we need for a down payment on a mortgage. In that vein, I have updated my resume. You can see it here if you're curious:
It ain't looking too shabby, if I do say so myself :)