We went walkies along the Camb this afternoon. It was a glorious day today and the sky was fabjoulus. I took lots of pictures. Those are just a few, there are more here: http://www.flubu.com/various_pics/cambridge/trinity.html
Tag: pictures
Coldplay concert pictures
I'm a lean, mean, cooking machine
I had blue hair!
A coworker found it while googlestalking me :)
Pity me, for I have the debilitating illness known as man flu. I woke up with it yesterday, but it was only a tickle in my throat then. I spent the afternoon in Peterborough with Katy – she had to work and I tagged along – but as the day wore on, it got worse. It's now painful to swallow. Joy.
I had a reasonably fun day though. I got to pet some owls.
I also found a shop that sells a ton of Guiness swag. I'll have to get some for Sara for xmas :D
On a completely different note, I'm a geek. Whenever I get a SMS on my phone, a Dalek yells “EXTERMINATE!”
On a final note, me ears are alight.
Your Appartment
Katy and I spent a very productive day finally clearing out the last of the stuff in boxes and putting up decorations. Did a massive cleanup of the place too, as well as doing a gajillion loads of laundry. We didn't go outside at all today, but unfortunately, outside came to us. We seem to have a minor ant problem. We’ve been seeing them once in a while now, but today was the worst – Katy found one walking on her arm while we were watching a movie – not fun! We're going to go to B&Q tomorrow to get some ant traps and call the landlady to complain.
Enjoy the pics and tell me what you think.
And I'm stupidly proud of my Zen garden.
I am.
Edit: what people might not realize at first glance is that the rocks come from: Alcatraz, the Oratoire St-Joseph, l'Ange-Gardien and New Orleans. Oh, and the turtle's from Fiji.