I got my liver.
Tag: random shit
Cause my sweetie says I'm "it"
Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Make a list, post it to your journal… and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.
– cuddling with the Katy
– reading
– cooking
– watching antique/auction shows on TV (Flog it! Antiques Roadshow and Restoration man beign current favs)
– doing stuff with my hands
– lounging on the couch with a hot drink and nothing to do
I reach out and touch: blacksquiggles,
la_tatie and just to see if he'll play,
Yoinked from <lj user="ryss_rhiannon">
Your IQ Is 110 |
![]() Your Logical Intelligence is Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional Your General Knowledge is Exceptional |
Oh your mark, get set, cook!
I've been cooking for 4 and a half hours. I've been doing dishes for 4 and a half hours.
Dinner was kick-ass, but I'm TIRED!
On a completely unrelated note, Tesco delivered my groceries this morning, as well as part of somebody else's. It' the only way I can explain why I ordered 12 eggs and ended up getting 33.
I've made a bundt cake, I've made a quiche, I've made pancakes. I still have 23 eggs left.
This is why I like the people I work with
A coworker went to Ireland and brought be back a fridge magnet. Here's a chat snippet:
<Rc> it's perfectly horrible :D
<AQuinn> i'm glad you don't like it :D
<Rc> it will be featured proudly on my fridge
<AQuinn> cool. how does it rate on the tacky scale?
<Rc> sappy message, garish colours, kitshy theme all give it high points
<Rc> the only thing that detracts from perfection is that it's actually solidly built
<Rc> so it only rates a 9 out of a possible 10
<AQuinn> i'll try harder next time ;)
You shall all swoon at my return to Canada

As much fun as you can have with your clothes on
I've just finished putting the second coat of mahogany stain on the tabletop zen garden I'm making myself. It will look kick-ass, if I do say so myself.
I like these little creative projects I give myself. They make me feel creative and manly at the same time (it's the powertool aspect of the thing).
I want a shed.
Vocabularians and lingweenies
What a lovely bunch of vocabularians (persons who make up new words) you are! Lasterday (refers to any day before today) we squinched (action required to fit something into a space that is slightly too small) a schmiglet (a small unit of measurement) of your awesomtastic (so wonderful the words just meld in your mouth) one-of-a-kind entries into this space in preparation for our Top Ten reveal. With so many chizzy (awesome, super, happening) creations to choose from, we admit to becoming a bit flusterpated (a state of being flustered that's so intense, one's actions and words become bound up) and fahoodled (confused, esp. when trying to think of too many things at once). We craughed (to cry and laugh simultaneously), we troddled (to wander around without knowing of doing so), and finally decided to use the schwack (a large amount) of multiple entries received as the basis for the Top Tenthis is, let's not forget, all about favoritism.
From the thousands of submissions we received, here, then, are the ten words (not in the dictionary) entered the most often:
Top Ten Favorite Words (Not in the Dictionary)
1. ginormous (adj): bigger than gigantic and bigger than enormous
2. confuzzled (adj): confused and puzzled at the same time
3. woot (interj): an exclamation of joy or excitement
4. chillax (v): chill out/relax, hang out with friends
5. cognitive displaysia (n): the feeling you have before you even leave the house that you are going to forget something and not remember it until you're on the highway
6. gription (n): the purchase gained by friction: “My car needs new tires because the old ones have lost their gription.”
7. phonecrastinate (v): to put off answering the phone until caller ID displays the incoming name and number
8. slickery (adj): having a surface that is wet and icy
9. snirt (n): snow that is dirty, often seen by the side of roads and parking lots that have been plowed
10. lingweenie (n): a person incapable of producing neologisms
Original link: http://m-w.com/info/favorite.htm
ESPN-onage (n): secretly viewing an all-sports network when your wife leaves the room
polkadodge (n): the pseudo dance when two people attempt to pass each other, each moving in the same direction
scrax (n): the waxy coating that must be scratched off an instant lottery ticket
dunandunate (v): to overuse a word or phrase that has been recently added to one's vocabulary
lexpionage (n): the sleuthing of new words and phrases
whinese (n) a language spoken by children or spouses on long road trips
slush turtle (n): the snow that collects on your mud flap
spinter (n): the season between winter and spring where everything is drowning in a slush/mud mixture
sprummer (n) when spring and summer can't decide which is going to come firsthot one day, cold the next
headset jockey (n): a telephone call center worker at the other end of a toll-free number
knitpicker (n): a person who selects your knitted sweaters. Beware the Christmas knitpicker or the put-the-family-in-the-same-sweater-for-the-photo knitpicker.
stealth-geek (n): one that hides nerdy interests while maintaining a normal outward appearance
fumb (n): the large toe
jimberjaw (n): a protrusive chin
wibble (n): a trembling of the lower lip just shy of actually crying
asphinxiation (n): when you are sick to death of unanswerable riddles
museum head (n): being mentally exhausted, and unable to take in anything more; usu. follows after a full day at the museum
precuperate (v): prepare for the possibility of being ill
shanghaIM (v): Instant Messaging somebody who's in the process of IM-ing somebody else, causing them to inadvertently type (and possibly send) their message to you
vidiot (n): one inept at programming a VCR
wurfing (v): the act of surfing the Internet at work and rationalizing that it is for work purposes
detroitus (n): car parts found alongside the highway
junkstaposition (n): when two or more immobile vehicles are parked next to each other
pregreening (v): the tendency to creep forward while waiting for a red light to change
onionate (v): to overwhelm with post-dining breath
smushables (n): the groceries that must be packed at the top of the bag or separately to avoid being mangled by the time you get home
spatulate (v): remove cake batter or other substances from the side of a mixing bowl with a spatula
dringle (n): the ring-shaped stain on wood caused by condensation from a glass of liquid
espacular (adj): especially spectacular
furgle (v): to feel in a pocket or purse for a small object such as a coin or key
hoyle (n): the point at which a genius transcends our reality and becomes a madman
nudenda (n): a nudist's unhidden agenda
optotoxical (adj): of or pertaining to poisonous looks that could kill, esp. from a spouse
parrotise (n): a haven for exotic birds, esp. green ones
quackmire (n): muddy edges of a duck pond
sinspire (v): to compel one to be creatively wicked
sprog (v): to go faster than a jog but slower than a sprint
Source: http://m-w.com/info/favorite_not_prev.htm

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