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The beaver is a proud and noble animal
Notes from a bemused canuck
Katy was away last night and I couldn't fall asleep, so I started reading. Bad idea. I read until 1am and I'm feeling it today.
I'm old
I just finished reading the latest Harry Potter book this morning on the bus to work. I'm impressed – compared to the last 2 books, it's quite well written and the storyline is solid. I'm really looking forward to the last book in the series, but that'll probably be in a few years now.
I've been giggling a bit to myself lately because people seem to be losing their collective minds over this book. The tin-foil hat brigade is out big-time online to try and figure out what's going to happen in the last book. I've also been amused at the antics of people who try and piss off the most people by randomly posting spoilers online. Hell, there have even been reported incidents of “drive-by spoilage” where people drive by bookstores and yell stuff out their car windows. Gotta love the fandom and the fan-bashers :)
Oh, while I'm thinking of it, does anybody in Montreal have my copy of Order of the Phoenix? I can't seem to find it here and it's aggravating me to no extent :(