I just woke up. This, in and of itself, isn't really newsworthy. The fact that I went to bed at 7pm last night is though. I had a pisser of a headache, and advil just wasn't cutting it, so I went for a shower and what I thought would be a short nap… Hell, I vaguely remember Katy coming to bed last night, but that's about it. At least my headache is gone.
Tag: slice of life
Damn you, Murphy
I barely made it on time for my train to Leicester tonight. I had to rely on the goodwill of an evil frenchman to give me a lift to Cambs after one of the servers died 15 minutes before I was supposed to leave for a 4-day weekend. When I got to the station, I found out that a freight train had broken down on the way into Cambs and that a lof of the outgoing traffic was going to be delayed. I got lucky though, and my train was only slightly delayed (which for Central Trains, is a miracle in and of itself). I was only supposed to come down tomorrow, but it was more important that I come give moral support to my sweetie than lust over Pink Floyd memorabilia that I couldn't afford anyway.
The train ride was fairly routine. Egg and bacon sandwiches from the M&S outlet at the station and a book for reading. There was a guide dog named Ivan in the alleyway next to me – so cute. One point along the way, I started looking outside for a while. You have to give it its due – the English countryside can be really pretty at times, with freshly cut fields getting ready for harvest, rolling green hills and a red-sun-at-night sunset. Every time I travel along that line, I always think that I really should bring my camera, but I always forget. Poo.
weekend redux and a look ahead.
The weekend was not one of the more relaxing ones I've had. In fact, I'll just say that it was rather emotionally charged and leave it at that… My shoulder gave me grief for most of it and, as a new twist, a glass of bad rose wine went down like a molten goblet of acid and took up residence in my stomach for most of last night. That was really horrid too, because I'd cooked a kick-ass curried roast beef too. Bleh.
This week is going to be a wild one, I forecast, cause I have to do a lot of prepwork on short notice. I need to write up a conference poster for PRIDE and get the student intern geared up to maintain PRIDE in case there are problems while I'm away next thursday and friday. Katy's leaving for Leicester on tuesday night and having her op on wednesday. I won't have a chance to see her until thursday night (if she's home) or friday morning (if she's not). She's getting anxious about it. It's a routine operation… it should go ok. Right? Right!
I feel a bit bleh today
I feel a bit homesick today. Don't get me wrong, I still heartily believe that coming over here was the best decision I've made in a long time, today, I'm feeling a bit low. I think it's the whole birthday business that brought it to the forefront, but I miss the boys. I miss the gang in Montreal. I miss my family.
This, too, shall pass…
Ho Hum
Spending yet another weekend in Leicester. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against it†, but I just want to spend a relaxed weekend with Katy and that won't happen for another 2 weeks, and then it won't happen for another month or so. Blergh. Between her operation and my work trips, we probably won't have time to ourselves until the end of september.
Katy's gran is still in the hospital, though she's now on the upwards trail. She's going to be there for a week or two still, but hopefully things are going to sort themselves out. It's weird though. One minute, she's cracking lewd jokes, the next, she's in the middle of a coughing fit. I've been told I'm not to grow old…
And now for something completely different. Katy got a car this weekend:

Rover 414i
It's her parents' old Rover. Since the Rover plant went belly up a few weeks ago, their resale value plummeted. They were offered 300 quid for it, so they decided to give it to Katy instead. It's a bit old, but still in perfect working order. And it's free, so you can't beat the price.
Spent a large part of Saturday walking in town, while Katy and Rita were having a serious girl-talk. My plan was to go read a book I wanted to buy at Waterstones until I got called, but that went south when neither of the books I wanted were there. I ended up wandering for 2 hours, buying coffee and socks.
†Except for the fact that her bed is too small for two psople to sleep comfortably in. Hence, I'm tired and my back isn't really happy with me.
Weekend in Leicester
Just got back to Cambs from a weekend in Leicester to see Katy's gran in the hospital again. Generally relaxed weekend, except for a bit of coffee house drama. The next weekends are going to be busy. It's Rita's birthday next weekend, mine the one after, Katy needs to be in Leicester the one after that for some pre-op visits, and then she's going to be operated the week after. The weekend after *that*, I'm getting ready to leave for Munich (or is it Geneva, I'm not sure, I need to check). Therefore, busy busy busy.
Just got a bit of a phone update. Katy's gran is less than stellar right now. She seemed tired when we visited her, and she wasn't really better this afternoon. She's not eating and she's losing weight. *sigh* Getting old sucks.
This weekend

Back in Cambs after a weekend in Leicester. Spent a good part of Saturday shopping for cute undies for Katy and going to see her gran in the hospital. To lift her spirits, we talked about our future wedding (apparently, we've been told we need to get married). The concensus is that we need to have a small ceremony to save money for a house. Oh, and there needs to be a horse-drawn carriage (though I'm not too chuffed about my tux smelling like horse manure).
Besides that, I've been trying to sneak away and read bits and pieces of the latest Harry Potter book, which Katy bought for me. THANKS SWEETIE!
On my own
Katy went to Leicester on monday to visit her gran, who's in the hospital right now. She's back tomorrow, but right now I miss my sweetie.
A milestone
As of this morning, I've been in the UK for 3 months.
Time flies.
I love this feeling
Ever been surprised by a song and just out of the blue think about something nice, or somebody you love?
Hmmm, ya :)