We took Byron outside to play in the snow yesterday. He got very excited, but he really wasn’t sure about the snowman some kids in the building made. It got woofed at last night, and peed on this morning.
Tag: snow
Failed second attempt at sledding
So a couple of days ago, we had great success in our snowshoeing/sledding outing. This Sunday, Ben wanted to go sledding again, when we didn’t have the not-my-dog. We headed back out to the same spot, but as we were driving along, we noticed a significant decrease in the snow on the ground. We checked the St-George webcam and realized that we were wasting our time driving up there because there was no longer any snow at all!!
It seems that we might have gotten very lucky that first day, according to the 14-day webcam history…
The English are pussies
A country of winter pansies
You’d think that people would know better by now.
I heard the best quote today: “the UK is driving on 20th century roads and riding on 19th century rail lines”. This might explain why the whole country goes batshit when a few inches of snow fall from the sky.
I have very little patience today. The little I had, after not sleeping last night and being up since 4:30am, was used up by the idiot driving at 5mph, on two blown tires, from Saffron Walden to Great Chesterford. I do not understand the British when it comes to winter. Houses are not insulated for shit. People break out their wellies instead of donning more sensible – and grippy – footwear. Snow plows drive on show-covered roads without bothering to actually removing the accumulated show. WTF?
I really miss Canadian common sense when it comes to winter. Even in the worst snow storms, the main roads get plowed on a daily basis, and most secondary roads will be cleared within a day or so. Yesterday, Katy was adamant that Bean would go see Santa so we chanced the roads to get to Scottsdales. It was nasty and took twice the time it should have normally taken. This morning, two days after it stopped snowing, the road was still as bad (with said idiot driving at a snail’s pace). And don’t get me started about the sidewalks. It’s safer to walk in the middle of oncoming traffic than to risk those ice death traps.
Bombardier sidewalk plows, how I miss you.
A bit of snow and the country goes mad
I’ve been in the UK for coming on 5 years now. Every year I’ve been here, it has snowed at some point. Every year, people lose their mofo’n mind and go totally batshit. People sleep in their cars and offices. Schools close down for weeks. People empty gas station tanks and Tesco shelves are barren.
Every damn year.
And you know what? People still don’t learn their lesson and prepare for it. Snow tires are unheard of, except in the far reaches of Scotland. Grit and salt are always in too short a supply, and there is no infrastructure to use it.