It’s rare these days that I get to indulge in a bit of graphic design. I’m not saying that this is anywhere on par with the creations that some people I know who do this for a living can whip up, but I had fun doing it :)
The beaver is a proud and noble animal
Notes from a bemused canuck
It’s rare these days that I get to indulge in a bit of graphic design. I’m not saying that this is anywhere on par with the creations that some people I know who do this for a living can whip up, but I had fun doing it :)
My pictures of the Staff Association retreat in Pfalz are online:
Nuns! Fucking nuns!… Lotta, channeling father Jack
I have a feeling I’ll regret parts of this night tomorrow… me, at various points in the night
You don’t piss on somebody else’s jacket… Mindi
Puff puff give! Those are the rules!… Matt
You’re a dirty old man, but you’re not that old so it’s ok… Doris
Is that a wine bottle in your pocket or are you happy to see me… Lotta
This is a stitched picture of the “best view of Prague” as seen from a vineyard atop the old city. All of my Prague pictures from the Staff Association retreat are now online at You can right-click to save/view a full-size version of the image.