British National Tea Day takes place every year in the UK on 21 April. It has been founded as a community movement of tea houses and lovers to promote tea in British culture and also highlight charitable causes which use tea to fundraise or bring people together. Founded by tea enthusiasts the event has grown to become a platform for tea brands to promote both taste and ethical sourcing practices.
Tag: tea
Happy National Tea Day
Anarchy in the UK
Never underestimate the english palate for tea

That’s a good brew, that!
We have a proper englishman in our team. A northern lad through and through. We were talking the other day and he was complaining that while you can get decent coffee out of a machine, you can’t get a good cuppa. It’s just not doable. This morning, I challenged him to a blind taste test – a cuppa PG tip vs a special T English breakfast. He got it spot on, on the sip.
“I can’t say anything about wine and stuff, but I know my tea”
Give credit where it’s due
If there is one thing the British have perfected, it is the art of baking biscuits that dunk well in tea. I give you the pinnacle of biscuit-dunking engineering, the chocolate-covered digestive.

Tea – Is there anything it can't do?
Cup of tea could cure anthrax
A new study by an international team of researchers from Cardiff University and University of Maryland has revealed how a cup of black tea could be the next line of defence in the threat of bio-terrorism.
According to the team of scientists led by Professor Les Baillie from the Welsh School of Pharmacy at Cardiff University and Doctor Theresa Gallagher, Biodefense Institute, part of the Medical Biotechnology Centre of the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute in Baltimore, the humble cup of tea could well be an antidote to Bacillus anthracis, more commonly known as anthrax, a disease potentially lethal to humans and animals
As a nation, the British currently drink 165 million cups of tea, and the healing benefits of the nation's favourite beverage have long been acknowledged. But now the team has found that the widely-available English Breakfast tea has the potential to inhibit the activity of anthrax, as long as it is black tea.
Anthrax – a potentially fatal human disease – is caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. A very serious and rapidly progressing form of the disease occurs when bacterial spores are inhaled making anthrax a potent threat when used as a biological warfare agent.
Published in the March issue of the Society for Applied Microbiology's journal Microbiologist, Professor Baillie said: “Our research sought to determine if English Breakfast tea was more effective than a commercially available American medium roast coffee at killing anthrax. We found that special components in tea such as polyphenols have the ability to inhibit the activity of anthrax quite considerably.”
The study provides further evidence of the wide range of beneficial physiological and pharmalogical effects of this common household item. The research also shows that the addition of whole milk to a standard cup of tea completely inhibited its antibacterial activity against anthrax.
Professor Baillie continued: “I would suggest that in the event that we are faced with a potential bio-terror attack, individuals may want to forgo their dash of milk at least until the situation is under control.
“What's more, given the ability of tea to bring solace and steady the mind, and to inactivate Bacillus anthracis and its toxin, perhaps the Boston Tea Party was not such a good idea after all.”
Professor Les Baillie is Professor of Microbiology at Welsh School of Pharmacy. He is also Associate Professor, Director Biodefense Initiative, Medical Biotechnology Centre, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute in Baltimore, and Adjunct Professor in the Microbiology and Immunology Department, University of Maryland at Baltimore.
Chillin' in Montreal
Yesterday, monday the 9th, was our 1 week anniversary. We dubbed it the Tea Anniversary. As such, we went to a great little tea shop in the old port and had chinese tea. It was very zen (until some loudmouth tourists showed up). Pictures to come later. I promise!
Busy day walking :)
I just looked at my watch and noticed that 6 hours had gone by. Katy and I went walkies to the city center for some shopping. I got some aftershave (Ralph Lauren Polo Blue) and a brand-spankin' new 4-slice toaster (cause the one I had was possessed by Satan). I got some goodies for other people, and a puzzle mat for Katy.
It was a really nice day to be out.
Life is good
Oh, and I got a teapot for Katy, because she's british and takes comfort in the fact that she now owns a teapot.