From the words of the Immortal Roosevelt E. Roosevelt, it's damn hot! You have to love british weather. Two days ago, Katy was so cold that I had to turn the heating on. Tonight, my allergies are making me miserable because it's so damn hot and muggy. Joy. It's been a while since I didn't have the energy to move because I've been sneezing a dozen times in a row.
Spent the day in Leicester looking at possible vroom-vrooms for Katy. If she gets the job at Huntington, she'll need a car to commute. There are a few nice Nissan Micras out there that looked mighty tempting but Katy decided to wait until she had a clear confirmation about the job before singing her name to the dotted line. The job situation is rearing its ugly head again. Had a rather rough night because of some of its side-effects; mostly stressful ones. Her current job is making our life difficult in ways that have no easy fix. I know she's given her notice, and she only has 3 weeks left to go at that damned place. I just hope it doesn't break anything that can't be mended.
Going to be a slow day tomorrow hopefully. I need a good night's sleep that doesn't involve bad dreams. Still in Leicester tomorrow cause it's father's day. Going to have lamb for dinner. Had curry tonight. Hmmmm, curry.