Tag: work
Curse you, timer lights!
The bathroom lights at work on a timer/motion-sensor. Every so often, you get caught with your pants around your ankles and the lights go off. That wouldn’t be a problem if THERE WASN’T A 30-SECOND WINDOW WHERE THE LIGHTS REFUSE TO COME BACK ON!!! And you’re in a stall, waving your arms frantically waiting for the lights to come back on before someone else comes in.
I’m all official :)
I recently celebrated my 1st year anniversary at the NIHS, and now I have shiny new business cards :)
Just being productive
This. This is why Wally is my idol.
Nothing is impossible…
Damn good day, considering.
I probably slept for the whole of 3 hours last night, but I somehow managed to not only solve my jaxb marshaling problem, but also fix the csv deep scanning bug, get caching configured and working, tidy up the service framework *and* not kill anybody. I’m really proud of that last one.