Tag: work
Monday morning wisdom
The advantages of working in a technical institute
My glasses slipped off my nose when I was bending down and fell on the floor. One of the lenses went poing! I thought it might have broken, but I was lucking in that sense that it had only popped out. I went through a few of the labs and found one who had a set of jeweler’s screwdrivers that I could borrow. After that, I was able to clean my glasses with 70% ethanol and kimwipes. Brought back memories :)
I give up for today
I’ve been trying to download A 3.4 GB file all day. I ain’t happening. I officially give up for today.
I have also learned that my work mac can mount and read an NTFS drive, but can’t write to it. This is rather useless.
Motivated by vision…
6-hour meeting, ongoing…
Bring it on!
Back to work
First post-holiday back at work, and I’m sorting through my inbox and various dead-tree format paperwork. Day seems rather… long. Just found out that I missed an email last december informing me that I’m giving a presentation next week, doh! My new glasses are giving me a bit of grief for computer work :( I’m going to call my ophthalmologist about that tomorrow.
For the past 2 weeks, Bean has been getting up at the crack of dawn, full of pep. This morning, seeing as it’s a school day, I had to wake him up at 7:30. This does not bode well for his teenage years.
Cause I’m happy
I’m working from home today, which is proving difficult even though I’m pushing through it, when this came on the radio and I just had to stop and do a happy dance in the middle of the kitchen. Bean happily joined in, but Katy looked at me as though I was a big mad…
After work beers
It was Stavros’ last day as a contractor, so we went for a quick drink last night at the local Auberge in St-Sulpice.